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Folake Salawu
Advocacy and Communication Officer
International Centre for Energy, Environment & Development
Bassan Plaza, 3rd Floor, Block F
Central Business District, Behind TOTAL House
P.O. Box 5421 Garki – Abuja
Tel: +234 9 783 1151
Cell: +234 8 03370 7683
Looking for Consultants to Conduct Research on Gender, Climate Change and Disasters in Asia and the Pacific Region
Subject: Re: Looking for Consultants to Conduct Research on Gender, Climate Change and Disasters in Asia and the Pacific Region
Dear Colleagues,
UN Women is looking for two consultants to conduct research study in Asia and the Pacific Region as per the two links below. The deadline is next week 22 October 2014.
Would highly appreciate if you could spread the word through your networks.
Kind regards,
Cecilia Aipira
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Policy Advisor
Level 3 Kadavu House, Victoria Parade.
Private Bag,
Suva Fiji
Tel: +679 3301 178
Fax: +679 3301 654
8th Oct. World Bank, Washington DC: Youth Employment Takes Centre Stage! – Webcast
Dear Friends:
External and Corporate Relations
T: 202-458-7514
M: 202-817-7505
UN CC:Learn News: New UN CC:Learn Resource Guides Promote Advanced Learning on Climate Change & Health and on Climate Change Education
Dear Community of Educators,
Some of you may be interested in further developing your own understanding and capacity in Climate Change Science, Negotiations, and Sustainable Development, appended are the details to participate in free online courses through the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network [SDSN].
All the best,
Pam Puntenney and Bremley Lyngdoh
UN SD Education Caucus Co-Chairs
Co-Coordinators Climate Change
Dr. P. J. Puntenney
Environmental & Human Systems Management
1989 West Liberty / Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA
Cell: (734) 330-0238 / Voice/Fax: (734) 994-3612
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network is proud to present its new education initiative,, which brings together online courses on sustainable development created by experts from around the world! We are rolling out several exciting courses throughout the Fall. Please join us in spreading the word!
We are kicking off with three courses:
1.I am offering my course The Age of Sustainable Development again, starting September 9, 2014. There will also be a special bonus this Fall: all students that complete the course will receive the free e-book version of my new book, titled The Age of Sustainable Development.
2.The two-semester course Climate Change Science & Negotiations, taught by myself and Emmanuel Guerin, will introduce the science and policies of climate change. The course includes a simulated UNFCCC negotiation during the second semester, in which students take on the role of country delegates. This course coincides with the broader SDSN Climate Change Call to Action.
3.Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities, by Prof. Johan Rockström and his colleagues at the Stockholm Resilience Center, offers an outstanding overview of sustainability science and potential pathways for human well-being.
All three courses are free of charge and are now open for enrollment. courses are currently in development and will be announced soon.
The coming year and a half, till the end of 2015, will be a pivotal period in the history of sustainable development. Please join in mobilizing education for sustainable development by spreading the word among your friends and colleagues. If you have questions please write to our Education Initiatives team at
Kind regards,
Jeffrey D. Sachs
Africa Human Development report – UNDP application Consultancies/Positions deadline 30th July
Dear Community of Educators,
Please find below open position/consultancy announcements for the African Human Development Report shared by Verania Chao, UNDP.
All the best,
Pam Puntenney and Bremley Lyngdoh
UN SD Education Caucus Co-Chairs
Co-Coordinators Climate Change
Dr. P. J. Puntenney
Environmental & Human Systems Management
1989 West Liberty / Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA
Cell: (734) 330-0238
Voice/Fax: (734) 994-3612
Could you please share these job listings with the GGCA network and with other networks if you happen to know a more academic ones as well:
Please circulate widely
Thank you and have a nice weekend!
Verania Chao
Programme Coordinator
Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA)
Bureau for Development Policy
United Nations Development Programme
304 East 45th Street, FF-1053
New York, NY 10017
1 646 781 4371 Follow us:
Now Accepting Internship Applications: Fall 2014
Washington, DC
The Women’s Foreign Policy Group believes that it is crucial to ensure that women’s voices are heard and that women leaders are fully engaged in finding new approaches and solutions. WFPG is committed to global engagement and the promotion of the leadership, visibility and participation of women in international affairs. The organization advances women’s leadership and highlights their contributions through international issues programs and mentoring.
Interns work as part of the WFPG team and are given the opportunity to improve their knowledge of international issues, as well as to learn how a small nonprofit organization operates. At our programs, interns meet with accomplished international affairs professionals and learn from their career paths. Part-time internships are unpaid or for college credit. Full-time interns who commit to 3.5 months during the school year or 3 months during the summer are eligible for a $1,000 stipend.
WFPG is seeking four interns to assist them in Washington, DC during the upcoming semester:
General Internship:
WFPG is looking for responsible and motivated interns to focus on planning and outreach for programs featuring international affairs officials and experts. In addition to assisting with our Author and Embassy Series programs, interns contribute to benefit luncheons and mentoring fairs. Interns will also research foreign policy topics before events, update the WFPG database, and complete other office tasks as assigned.
Communications Internship:
WFPG is also looking for a specialized intern to focus on our website and communications materials, including our invitations and newsletters. The communications intern will also assist at events, conduct foreign policy research, and complete other office duties as assigned. A demonstrated interest in and knowledge of basic HTML and photo editing/layout software is helpful, but not required.
Competitive candidates for both positions should have a demonstrated interest in foreign affairs and excellent computer skills. Interns must possess outstanding office and phone manners, and excellent writing skills, in addition to being well-organized, punctual, dependable, flexible, attentive to detail, and able to work both independently and as part of a team.
Applicants must be available to work a minimum of two full days per week.
To Apply:
Please send a cover letter (including your availability), resume, two-page writing sample (short paper or excerpt), contact information for three references, and an unofficial copy of your transcript to Applications can also be mailed to:
Women’s Foreign Policy Group
Attn: Ms. Kimberly Kahnhauser
1615 M St. NW, Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036
Apply before August 8th!
Early applications are strongly encouraged
This email was sent to by
Women’s Foreign Policy Group | 1615 M Street, NW | STE 210 | Washington, District of Columbia 20036 | United States
Bodo Ellmers Policy and Advocacy Manager – Debt and Responsible Finance Unit Eurodad, European Network on Debt and Development
Tel: + 32 2 894 46 51
Skype: eurodad-bodo
Email: Rue d’Edimbourg, 18-26. Brussels 1050. Belgium
An exciting new job opportunity at Eurodad! Finance & Accounting Assistant. More information here.
Participate in e-Discussion on “Partnerships with Civil Society” for HLPF & more
Dear members and friends,
18 Jul 2014
DDCI is Seeking a Dynamic Acting Coordinator (Maternity Cover)
The Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI) is seeking to recruit a dynamic Acting Co-ordinator!
The successful candidate will have excellent leadership skills to drive forward the delivery of DDCI’s high quality policy, education and campaigning agenda, and to work to ensure DDCI’s financial sustainability into the future.
The person will have exceptional organisational coordination skills, in addition to a deep commitment to local and global economic justice work.
The deadline for applications is Friday 22nd August 2014.
The full job description is here
Preregister today for Jeffrey Sachs’ online course “The Age of Sustainable Development”
Dear partners and colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the launch of, the online education initiative of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. To kick off this initiative, we will be offering the second instance of Jeffrey Sachs’ course, The Age of Sustainable Development, free of charge in September 2014 through our new platform. The course is currently open for pre-registration on our website. All participants that complete the course will also get the free e-book version of Professor Sachs’ new book, titled The Age of Sustainable Development.
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the various dimensions of sustainable development and will serve as the foundational course for the broader compendium of courses that will be offered through over the next few years. Additional information about the course is provided in the attached informational document, and all SDSN member institutions will have access to course materials to use in their existing programs. Please pre-register as soon as possible for the course to ensure that you receive upcoming correspondence and to learn more about the additional courses offered by
We are incredibly excited to launch this initiative and look forward to building an cadre of engaged and informed development practitioners in the lead up to 2015. Please email Megan Cassidy, SDSN Education Manager, at
We welcome your feedback and insights on this new effort and ask that you circulate this information widely within your relevant networks. We look forward to seeing you in our virtual classroom this fall!
[GYCA] [MGCY-Post2015] Job opening: Advocacy & Networks Coordinator at Restless Development
Dear all,
Restless Development is currently recruiting for an *Advocacy & Networks
Coordinator* based in our London office. The Advocacy and Networks
Coordinator will play a leading role in delivering Restless Development’s
global advocacy strategy, including representation in key advocacy events,
building networks, cultivating strategic partnerships and supporting youth
participation in policy processes.
This is the link to the job description and application form:
23rd June*.
Welcome to spread the word and share widely with your networks.
Many thanks,
From: Joke Lannoye
Date: Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:17 PM
Subject: [MGCY-Post2015] Job opening: Advocacy & Networks Coordinator at
Restless Development
To: “” , ””
*Joke Lannoye*
Global Advocacy Manager
*Tel:* +44 207 633 3363
*Skype*: jokelannoye
@RestlessDev –
E-Group Webpage (manage your settings, see message archives, etc): http://groups.takingitglobal.
Send a message:
Subscribe: gyca-subscribe@groups.
QUESTION 2: How can the new sustainable development goals reflect child poverty?
Discussion by
Guiding questions for further consideration:
- How can the post-2015 development agenda track progress on the number of children who are poor at the national and global level?
- What specific goals and targets can you propose to ensure that the new development framework ends child poverty?
- How can the goal of eradicating extreme monetary poverty ($1.25 a day) be used to reflect and prioritise children? How can other dimensions of child poverty be reflected to complement these monetary measures?
23 Mar 2014 [ read more ]
Second Round of UNDG Consultation–How Should We Include Participatory Monitoring in the Post-2015 Development Agenda? 14 Apr 2014 | Addressing Inequalities: Article by
Dear AINA Members,
The continuation of an inclusive dialogue on Post-2015 is a key mandate given to the UN by its Members States as well as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. As the Post-2015 Development Agenda process moves into its next phase, we seek to build on the outcomes of the first round of consultations (held in 2012-2013), to ensure the inclusion of a wider range of voices and approaches in the Post-2015 Development Agenda process.
Themes that have consistently emerged from the consultations and Post-2015 discussions—particularly in previous AINA discussions—are the concepts of “inclusion” and “participation” and the importance of including previous marginalized voices in the design, implementation, monitoring and accountability mechanisms for development processes.
To that end, UNICEF, UN Women and UNDP—with support from the Governments of Canada, Peru and the Republic of Korea are co-organizing a global thematic consultation on Participatory Monitoring for Accountability—and how best to include participatory approaches in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Firstly, we are conducting an e-discussion on the topic of Participatory Monitoring for Accountability starting 14 April 2014, which can be found on the site dedicated to this initiative:
Best, Tricia Callender Manager, Participatory Monitoring for Accountability Consultation
The online consultation will run from 14 April -2 May 2014 focused on three questions specific to participation in the Post-2015 Agenda. We strongly encourage your participation and we invite you to make your voice heard!
Secondly, another key part of the consultation will be the collection of good practices and lessons learned from participatory approaches across the globe. Individuals, academics, policy experts, and organizations are invited to submit proposals of either Case Studies or Methodologies in relation to Participatory Monitoring approaches.
Please see here for information on paper proposal submission: http://www.worldwewant2015.
Please note we are seeking practical examples (not theoretical papers) of methods that have be implemented successfully. Additionally, only paper proposals that follow the given template will be considered. (Link to template here:http://www.
Please also note the deadline for submissions will be 2 May and we are not able to offer extensions on this. Again, we are anxious to hear and learn from your direct experiences with participation and seek your guidance on how we include it in the Post-2015 agenda.
The outcomes of the consultation will be fed into Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals decision-making discussions, the Secretary-General’s synthesis report and other key Post-2015 key policy discussions and processes. We hope that you are able to participate in these opportunities and we look forward to learning from you and your experience with participation as an effective development approach.
Please visit
14 Apr 2014 [ read more ]
Dear friends and colleagues,
This is to let you all know that the final agenda for the International Symposium on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post 2015 Agenda is now available @
Registration is also now open in addition to those wanting to submit papers and abstracts. The main themes will continue to be:
1. Theme 1 Leave No One Behind after 2015: Women’s empowerment, indigenous economic development, ending extreme poverty, access to opportunity.
2. Theme 2 Forging A New Global Partnership: Strengthening institutions, developing transformative partnerships between government, business and civil society, forging partnerships with foundations and philanthropic organisations and business engagement.
3. Theme 3 Transforming Economies for Jobs and Inclusive growth: Harnessing innovation and technology, private sector development finance, diversification of economies with inclusive opportunity for all, fostering sustainable consumption and production.
4. Theme 4 Put Sustainable Development At The Core. Social Impact and Development – integration of social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability, measuring, reporting and integrating standards, addressing issues of the workforce and the concept of a “living wage”, the impact of business and government action.
Make sure you put it in your diaries!
Matthew Tukaki, Chair of the SDGP International Advisory Board
Matthew Tukaki
Chair, CSI and Chief Entrepreneur of
EntreHub and The Sustain Group
P: +61 415 093 137 (SG)
P: +61 404 245 046 (EH)
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Executive Director, Ms. Sally Fegan-Wyles, signs an agreement with the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) launching a further implementation phase of the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn),
visit UNITAR is a host and involved in awareness raising and training of Article 6 of the Convention, see overview appended below. To learn more,
All the best,
Pam Puntenney and Bremley Lyngdoh
UN SD Education Caucus Co-chairs
Co-Coordinators Climate Change
Dr. P. J. Puntenney
Environmental & Human Systems Management
1989 West Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA
Cell: (734) 330-0238
Voice/Fax: (734) 994-3612
UN CC:Learn Releases Guidance on Climate Change Learning Strategies
25 February 2014:
The One UN Training Services Platform on Climate Change, UN CC:Learn, has published a ‘Guidance Note for Developing a National Climate Change Learning Strategy,’ which aims to provide methodological and organizational guidance to countries that wish to develop national climate change learning strategies.
The guidance note is based on the 2011-2013 pilot implementation phase of the UN CC:Learn’s programme to ‘Strengthen Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development’ and builds on five national UN CC:Learn projects to ‘Strengthen Human Resource Capacities and Skills to Address Climate Change.’
Over 50 countries have expressed interest in developing a national climate change learning strategy. In addition, the Doha Work Programme of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mandates countries to prepare national strategies on UNFCCC Article 6 (education, training and public awareness).
The note is divided into three main sections which: explain the purpose and objectives of a climate change learning strategy; outline the main steps in developing a climate change learning strategy; and contain a practical guide for developing a national climate change learning strategy, including suggestions for specific activities, as well as logistical and organizational considerations.
UN CC:Learn is a One UN partnership involving 33 organizations that supports countries in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is hosted by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
[Publication: Guidance Note for Developing a National Climate Change Learning Strategy]
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From: cvaacfp []
Sent: 2014-04-09 15:10:07
Subject: CVA/ACFP Newsletter February-March 2014 / bulletin du CVA/ACFP février/mars
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In French:
Each month, the Canadian Vocational Association presents a survey of
relevant links and documents on various specializations and topics related
to the field of professional training, in English and French.
Tous les mois, l’Association canadienne de la formation professionnelle
vousprésente une compilation de documents et de liens pertinents sur
différentes spécialités et thématiques liés au domaine de la formation
Le bulletin est en anglais et en français.
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[Youth] Synthesis report on Tackling youth unemployment through TVET

Worldview Mission, Headquarter, “Kingdom of the Netherlands”
Contact Ms. Hélène H. Oord
Chair Fouder of Worldview Mission to the United Nations
PR-Media, Int’l Relations Liaison to the United Nations
Liaison- Ambassador to Project One Inc. to the United Nations with UN/ECOSOC Status
Address: Beemsterhoek 14, 2905 XA, Capelle A/D IJssel,
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