Worldview Mission Financial ANBI Info – Annual Report of Worldview Mission
Worldview Mission (WM) was founded by Ms. Hélène H. Oord in 2007. In 2008, Worldview Mission was registered as IRS-Taxed Exempt Status Subsidiary of Sidewalk University, New Jersey, USA, as an Association. Worldview Mission through its founder, Ms. Helene Oord, remained a proud Ambassador to Project One Inc. with UN-ECOSOC Status during the years 2009 to 2011 and Ambassador to T. L. Lowery Foundation with UN-ECOSOC Status. Worldview Mission (WM) extended its outreach to Europe by registering itself with the Chamber of Commerce at the Netherlands in October 2011.
Worldview Mission is also registered in Suriname (South America) Chamers Of Commerce (KKF). Worldview Mission (WM) as non-profit is a member of United Nations CSO-NET (ECOSOC CIVIL Society Network, NGO Branch, New York.
Worldview Mission (WM) is a 501 (C) (3) Nonprofit (NGO). Worldview Mission as a Global Organization is connected to the United Nations and affiliated with a multitude of organizations in the world aiming to end extreme poverty, and complies with the Statement of United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres, by 2030
OVERCOMING EXTREME POVERTY BY: United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Worldview Mission (WM) was instigated with a philosophy to support and collaborate with the humanitarian agencies throughout the globe in their effort to ensure basic human rights to the communities especially in third world countries. Based on the premise of universality of Human Rights, Worldview Mission is actively working to promote a Rights Based Approach in areas of Water Supply and Sanitation, Gender and Environment. For instance, we know that the United States is one of the richest counties in the world, still, 37 million people are poor, and from those 13 million children (19 percent of all children) under age eighteen live in families with incomes below the official poverty threshold.
Worldview Mission (WM) is on a mission to break the cycle of poverty in low economic communities by educating and preparing the youth to become leaders in their community and eventually extend their cause on a global level. Programs of Worldview Mission are directed to enhance self-direction, self-determination and self-regulation of our youth as oppose to just giving them a handout which constitutes merely an ephemeral solution, but not a solution to the problem.
The Vision Statement
“To improve the quality of life for the people living in poverty helping them to become self-sufficient and to facilitate global effort in meeting United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.”
The Mission
- Eradicate poverty in communities around the globe and assisting those in need.
- Plan, design and implement comprehensive programs of economic and social growth and development.
- Enabling women and youth inclusion in development.
- Create an environment and implement programs that foster resilience, self-regulation, self-efficacy and leadership.
- Promote awareness and acceptance of basic human rights and diversity.
The Areas of Concern / Focus Areas
- Community Development
- Community Service and Volunteering
- Economic Development
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Family and Parenting
- Poverty and hunger
- Education
- Leadership
- Employment
- Micro-finance
- Youth Court
- Human Rights
- Political Development
- Culture of Peace
- Youth Emancipation
Worldview Mission Goals – Worldview Mission
Worldview Mission founding members registered at Chamber of Commerce (KVK) Netherland’s
mentioned persons declares by this act (or by this law) to establish a foundation and to establish the following statutes
Name and registered office Worldview Mission :
Article 1
- The foundation bears the name: Worldview Mission Foundation
- It has its seat in the municipality of Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
WORLDVIEW MISSION (WM) POLICY PLAN ENG (Foundation-Stichting) Update May 4th, 2022 PDF


Worldview Mission Members: Most of our members are around the Continent of Africa
Article 2
1 The Foundation has as its goal:
Providing awareness of educative training to suppressed men and women.
Guiding in the fields of art and culture. Sports, assertiveness
The promotion of health of a sustainable lifestyle, anti violence against women, blacks and migrants and displaced women.
Giving attention to elderly, youth, handicapped and sick clerics in need of pastoral care and coaching.
The provision of all further actions that are in the broadest sense connected with the above mentioned or may be conductive to this.
The foundation seeks to accomplish its goal, among other things, by
Planning the development of programs built on the Millennium Development Goals for prevention of poverty.
Development of economic job opportunities for people all over the world.
Broadcasting and hosting of multicultural TV-programs with focus on climate change.
Members registration at (KVK) Chambers Of Commerce, the Netherland’s
President: Will run the organization and will check on the country representatives as well as the board. Will ensure smooth functioning of the organization.
Vice President: Will work hand in hand with the president and will carry out and support the operations.
Public Relations Officer: Will work with the media, press and social networking site for efficient outreach and handle all public contacts and requests.
Secretary: Will handle appointments and meet-ups of the group and will keep track of all country representatives.
Treasurer and assistant. Treasurer: Will work together and keep track of all funds and progress.
Project Officer: Will work with the Public Relations Officer and the Treasurer to organize efficient and successful projects, drafts and action plans
All positions will have an official email picture ID
All positions will have to meet regularly along with the rest of the board to discuss strategy and statistics.
All positions will be truthful and passionate about what they do
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