Our Ambassadors Of Influence


Andre R. Jones

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Andre is an international speaker and author.  He is passionate about empowering people around the world to understand their purpose, encouraging them to become world changers and culture shifters. God has blessed him to project this message at major conferences, national television programs and the United Nations, just to name a few.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000632858525

Website :  https://www.harvesthandsphilly.org/staff  

Dr. R. Egolf

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Dr. Egolf is one of three founders and the Chairman of the United States Council on Global
Development. The USCGD is an organization dedicated to the development and improvement of
infrastructures through advanced business strategies and sustainable solutions. He speaks in
economic business summits concerning ethics in business, leadership strategies, and structuring
developing nations for success. He has acted as moderator for many global conferences.

Site: https://www.leadingnationsnow.com/about-us
Site: https://www.leadingnationsnow.com
Site: https://www.leadingnationsnow.com/projects
Site: https://americankurdistanlifecenter.com/contact


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OUR AMBASSADORS: https://worldviewmission.nl/?page_id=70



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Biography Tomar Jackson



