Mandela & Bill Clinton Climate Awareness Fund
Request for endorsement – letter on investment to UNCTAD & UNCTAD members
Letter endorsement – UNCTAD Investment Oct 9
We hope you can add your organization to this short letter to bring our critique of extreme investor rights in TPP and other trade and investment agreements to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at a critical moment. To sign on, please send your organization’s endorsement to by October 14.
UNCTAD is the main international agency that provides guidance and support for developing countries in deciding and negotiating their investment policy. There is currently an important internal debate on investment issues happening at UNCTAD, and thus we have a major opportunity to influence that debate in a positive direction toward our goals on investment policy.
UNCTAD’s Globalization and Development Strategies (GDS) division publishes the flagship report of UNCTAD each year, the Trade and Development Report (TDR). This year, it focused on investment issues, and included conclusions very similar to civil society critique. This is important because the Investment division of UNCTAD is still in transition in terms of the investment policies it recommends. UNCTAD will hold its World Investment Forum October 13-16 in Geneva.
Thus we are asking for your endorsement to the attached letter to UNCTAD members and the Secretary General Kituyi, including our critique of ISDS policies in particular, and supporting the direction of the GDS division and the TDR, and encouraging more “cohesion” in the investment policy towards the GDS critiques. It is not a letter that includes all of our viewpoints on investment policies or ISDS, nor includes the ample suggestions for alternative policies that are being circulated in another, much more comprehensive statement. It is specifically short and pointed on engaging with UNCTAD towards the right policy framework.
Please send organizational endorsements with country as soon as possible to (NOT to me!) as soon as possible, but by the morning of October 14th at the very latest.
Thank you,
Deborah James
Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network
Director of International Programs
Center for Economic and Policy Research
1611 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20009
+ x111
: INVITATION: Briefing on the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Monday 27 October at 1:15-2:45 pm, ECOSOC Chamber
27 Oct Briefing in New York Invitation 17.10.14
Subject: Fw: INVITATION: Briefing on the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction,
Monday 27 October at 1:15-2:45 pm, ECOSOC Chamber
Dear All,
Please find attached an invitation to a briefing to be held at the UN HQ in New York on Monday, 27 October, from 1:15-2:45 p.m., in the ECOSOC Chamber, on the preparations for the third International World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. All are invited to attend.
Kind regards, Lotta
Lotta Tahtinen
Major Groups Programme Coordinator
Office of the Director
Division for Sustainable Development/DESA
United Nations, S-2619
Tel: +1 (917) 367-2212
Tomorrow Tuesday Oct. 7th Deadline for Registration – Invitation for Shared
Societies Perspective in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
October 8th 1.15 pm to 2.30pm
Dear Colleagues,
The Permanent Mission of Italy and the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations, the Club de Madrid and the Society for International Development, are pleased to share the invitation and the concept note for a policy dialogue on “Shared Societies Perspective in the Post-2015 Development Agenda”, which will be held at the United Nations, Conference Room 8 (GA building) on October 8th, 2014, starting from 1.15pm – 2.30pm.
During this Event, It will be presented Development 57.1 on ‘Shared Societies’, a special issue of SID’s quarterly journal, which has been produced in partnership with the Club de Madrid.
Please note, UN SECURITY informs that to access to conference room n. 8, (in the General Assembly Building) ALL PARTICIPANTS that do not hold a UN Ground pass must have a Special Entry Ticket (SET). Also NGOs and Civil Society that do not hold an annual UN pass need a SET in order to access the event.
SET tickets will be distributed on Wednesday October 8th, from 12.15 pm until 1.15 pm, at the entrance located on 46th street and First Avenue.
Please RSVP by Tuesday October 7th 2014 to the Permanent Mission of Italy to
Thank you and best regards,
Angela Zarro
Programme Manager
Society for International Development
Concept note:
Please sign on – Letter to UNCTAD on investment
Request for endorsement – letter on investment to UNCTAD & UNCTAD members
We hope you can add your organization to this short letter to bring our critique of extreme investor rights in TPP and other trade and investment agreements to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) at a critical moment. To sign on, please send your organization’s endorsement to by October 14.
UNCTAD is the main international agency that provides guidance and support for developing countries in deciding and negotiating their investment policy. There is currently an important internal debate on investment issues happening at UNCTAD, and thus we have a major opportunity to influence that debate in a positive direction toward our goals on investment policy.
UNCTAD’s Globalization and Development Strategies (GDS) division publishes the flagship report of UNCTAD each year, the Trade and Development Report (TDR). This year, it focused on investment issues, and included conclusions very similar to civil society critique. This is important because the Investment division of UNCTAD is still in transition in terms of the investment policies it recommends. UNCTAD will hold its World Investment Forum October 13-16 in Geneva.
Thus we are asking for your endorsement to the attached letter to UNCTAD members and the Secretary General Kituyi, including our critique of ISDS policies in particular, and supporting the direction of the GDS division and the TDR, and encouraging more “cohesion” in the investment policy towards the GDS critiques. It is not a letter that includes all of our viewpoints on investment policies or ISDS, nor includes the ample suggestions for alternative policies that are being circulated in another, much more comprehensive statement. It is specifically short and pointed on engaging with UNCTAD towards the right policy framework.
Please send organizational endorsements with country as soon as possible to (NOT to me!) as soon as possible, but by the morning of October 14th at the very latest.
Thank you,
Deborah James
Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network
Director of International Programs
Center for Economic and Policy Research
1611 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20009
+ x111
Letter – UNCTAD Investment Oct 9
UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, 10-12 November 2014, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan/Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur l’éducation au développement durable, 10 au 12 novembre 2014 Aichi-Nagoya, Japan
Dear Community of Educators,
Unesco’s World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development taking place in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan 10-12 November 2014, has extended an invitation to members of the UN SD Education Caucus to attend, see attached invitation.
Some of our members have been helping with the planning and organizing, if you are interested in participating in the Conference as our designated representative, read over the appended materials and let us know so we may submit your name/title/organization, visit
Each participant is responsible for their financial support and travel arrangements.
All the best,
Pam Puntenney and Bremley Lyngdoh
UN SD Education Caucus Co-Chairs
Co-Coordinators Climate Change
Dr. P. J. Puntenney
Environmental & Human Systems Management
1989 West Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA
Cell: (734) 352 7429
Landline: (734) 994-3612
Dear Ms Puntenney,
Please find attached a letter addressed by the Assistant Director-General for Education, inviting your organization to participate in the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which will take place in Aichi-Nagoya (Japan)
from 10 to 12 November 2014
We would highly appreciate and would be most grateful if you could confirm your participation at the soonest possible time.
In your reply, please include the full contact details, in particular, the individual e-mail of the nominated participant. This will allow us to provide the participant access to the online registration system.
We look forward to receiving your positive reply.
Yours sincerely,
DESD Secretariat – ESD section
Division for Teaching, Learning and Content
Education Sector
UNESCO 7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
Mrs, P J Puntenney_CommSustainable Dev USA 9oct2014 14
Post 2015 Report: Sign-on Letter to UN Secretary General on Access to Information, Free Expressions, Free Media, Protecting Civil Society
Dear Community of Educators,
This request for organizations to add their name to the signon letter to the Secretary General regarding access to information is an action of special interest to the UN SD Education Caucus. Bremley and I have endorsed the support from the Ed. Caucus and encourage your organization add their name to the letter.
If you would like to sign this, please send your organisation’s signature to Charlotte Gill <> by Thursday, 25 September.
All the best,
Pam Puntenney and Bremley Lyngdoh
UN SD Education Caucus Co-Chairs
Dr. P. J. Puntenney
Environmental & Human Systems Management
1989 West Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA / E-mail:
Cell: (734) 330-0238 / Voice/Fax: (734) 994-3612
Subject: Signon letter to UNSG on access to info, media, civic space
To: Sustainable Development Announcement List <>
Cc: Charlotte Gill <>
Hi everyone,
We are continuing our campaign on promoting access to information, free expression, free media and protecting civil society in the Post 2015 agenda, with a letter to be sent to the UNSG on Right to Know Day (28 September) asking him to ensure they are included in his upcoming stocktaking report.
If you would like to sign this, please send your organisation’s signature to Charlotte Gill <> by Thursday, 25 September.
Begin forwarded message:
Click here to view this message in a browser
SIGN ON ~ INTERNATIONAL: Right to Know Day – Urge UN to enshrine the importance of free expression in the Post-2015 Agenda
19 September 2014
Dear IFEX members,
To acknowledge Right to Know Day on 28 September, ARTICLE 19 is asking you to sign a joint statement urging the Secretary General of the United Nations to highlight the importance of the right to information, free media, and the protection of civil society organisations’ ability to organise and engage.
At the end of this year, the UN Secretary General will publish a synthesis report of three global processes that have contributed to the establishment of the Post-2015 framework.
In the last months, IFEX members have actively advocated for the inclusion of access to information and independent media in the Agenda for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, yet there is still work still to be done to ensure that this wording is included in the Agenda. As mentioned in a blog post by Charlotte Gill from ARTICLE 19, Right to Know Day coincides with the start of a year-long negotiation process to determine the Post-2015 agenda. States will be discussing the framework that will be the foundation for international policy commitments for the next fifteen years and more. They will decide on goals that will galvanise efforts to improve the daily lives of vulnerable and marginalised people, and set out targets that will focus the attention of donors striving for sustainable development.
Please note that the letter is totally embargoed until Right to Know Day, 28 September.
Best wishes,
Amy Jonhson and Marie-Hélène Ratel
IFEX Campaigns and Advocacy
The text of the joint statement ARTICLE 19 is asking you to sign follows:
28 September 2014
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General of the United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
New York, NY 10017
CC: Amina J. Mohammed, Assistant Secretary General
Dear Mr. Secretary General,
We write to you as a coalition of civil society organisations committed to sustainable development, to urge you to highlight the importance of the right to information, free media, and the protection of civil society organisations’ ability to organise and engage in your upcoming stocktaking report on the Sustainable Development Goals to the General Assembly.
We welcome your recent announcement on the creation of an Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. However, as experts and practitioners in the field, we feel strongly that the data revolution cannot succeed without substantial improvement in the openness of governments to their people and an improved and enabling environment for civic space that allow individuals, civil society and communities to know, speak, engage and operate freely. To achieve this, the rights to freedom of information, free media, freedom of association, and freedom of peaceful assembly must be fully recognised and enabled.
The importance of these rights has been recognised in the Millennium Declaration, the Rio+ 20 declaration and numerous UN papers. These rights are also highlighted in the report of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons and in the recommendations of the Open Working Group, both of which recommended that access to information and the
protection of fundamental freedoms be included as targets. However, even with the crucial role these rights play in development, they are largely unincorporated in currently agreed development mechanisms and were conspicuous by their absence in the Millennium Development Goals.
As you acknowledged in your “Freedom Lecture” speech last year at the University of Leiden, civil society is under increasing pressure: journalists and human rights defenders are imprisoned; internet and media outlets are shut down; and peaceful protests are banned. These issues need to be addressed as part of the SDGs or they will continue to hinder development progress and the data revolution will be restricted to the status quo of limited and unreliable information by the few, for the few, instead of access to information by everyone, for everyone, and the ability to act upon it.
Mr. Secretary General, today is globally recognised as “Right to Know Day”. Governments and civil society organisations around the world will celebrate the progress made so far to ensure everyone is empowered to have greater control over their lives by better knowing how governments operate. Please take the time today to ensure these rights are not forgotten in the SDGs.
Thank you for your consideration. If your office wishes to discuss this further, please contact us at….
[more signatures to follow]
For more information, contact:
T +44 20 7324 2500 F +44 20 7490 0566
Free Word Centre
60 Farringdon Rd
London EC1R 3GA
Charlotte Gill, Campaigner, ARTICLE 19 (
The information contained in this internal appeal is the sole responsibility of ARTICLE 19. This material is not for broadcast or publication
Emergency in Sierra Leone DONATE NOW
Dear Ms. Helene Oord, Worldview Mission
Dear Friends,
Dear All,
I have just returned from Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone, where I spent 2 weeks working closely with our team and meeting community members and national leaders to understand the Ebola outbreak. More than anything, I have seen first-hand the fear and uncertainty people are living in as the threat of Ebola spreads across the country.
As I’m sure you’ve heard in the news, Ebola is a brutal virus which appears suddenly and is highly contagious. The current outbreak in West Africa is the first time the disease has ever appeared in that part of the continent. Governments therefore had no containment plan in place, which coupled with traditional practices of burying bodies and of course, caring for relatives while they are sick, has led many people to put themselves at risk and for the disease to keep spreading.
Sierra Leone is in crisis. Not a crisis like the civil war, which ended just 12 years ago, and from which Sierra Leone is making great strides to overcome. Not a crisis like an earthquake or flood, devastating and ruthless but over in seconds. This is a worsening crisis which Sierra Leone is struggling to contain. This crisis comes from a lack of something so simple – information. Information that must to go to the very heart of how people live, in order for them to protect themselves against this terrible disease.
Restless Development is in Sierra Leone. We have been working with young Sierra Leoneans for years, on projects crucial to the long term, sustainable development of their country. But Sierra Leone needs more right now. It needs people trusted by local communities, to demonstrate how to keep safe. It needs clear, trusted, simple information on how to stay alive.
Our young volunteers are ready to mobilise, to travel to at-risk districts and educate those communities in how to fight Ebola safely. We believe just 200 of our volunteers can reach 360,000 people. That’s 360,000 people whose lives will potentially be saved due to the crucial information our volunteers can give them.
But we need your help. Funding for our standard projects in Sierra Leone is being frozen. Our staff and volunteers are ready, but we need over £87,000 to train, deploy, and support our volunteers to carry out this vital work.
Can you help us? Can you make a donation today to get our volunteers moving and lifesaving information spreading across Sierra Leone? Anything you are able to give will make a difference at this critical time.
Thank you so much for your support.
Chief Operating Officer
Restless Development
P.S. In the few days since I returned from Freetown, the Ebola crisis has been called ‘out of control’ by the World Health Organisation. There are less than 200 doctors in the public health system in Sierra Leone, a country of over 6million people. They need our help. Please, help our volunteers give them that support.
Restless Development Join us on
Forward to a friend
7 Wootton Street / London / SE1 8TG / UK
Subject: 62nd Dies Natalis of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
The Rector Magnificus of the Erasmus University Rotterdam has the pleasure of inviting you to the academic ceremony to be held in celebration of the
62nd Dies Natalis of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
on Thursday 9 October 2014, starting promptly at 16.00 hrs in the Auditorium of the ISS, Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague
On this occasion Emeritus Professor Kees Schuyt will deliver a lecture entitled:
Teaching Research Ethics or Learning in Practice: Preventing Fraud in Science
If you wish to attend this event, please register online at
Professors are invited to join the academic procession.
Please bring your own gown and confirm by sending an email to Femke van der Vliet:
Certification of Event Access MORNING AFTER
UPDATE: The Morning After: A civil society report back & security access
Dear all,
We’ve received a number of queries regarding access to the Church Center.
Kindly print out BOTH the event flyer as well as the Certification of Event Access (here attached). It is also advisable to bring a government-issued ID with you.
See you all!
Maria Theresa Nera-Lauron
Peoples’ Movement on Climate Change
IBON International
3F IBON Center, 114 Timog Avenue, Quezon City
Tel. No. +632 9277060-62 / Skype: tetet.lauron /
Simon@36 Project! Sierra Leone
Dear Friend,
Executive Director
Stichting ACIPP Programme: Ghana|Sierra Leone |Liberia
Check our Consulting website:
INVITATION: The Morning After : A Civil Society Reportback
Maria Theresa Nera-Lauron
Peoples’ Movement on Climate Change
IBON International
3F IBON Center, 114 Timog Avenue, Quezon City
Tel. No. +632 9277060-62 / Skype: tetet.lauron /
Letter on Post 2015 Agenda from Co-Chairs OWG SDGs 21 February 2014
Focus areas document OWG SDGs 21 February 2014
Join Us – “Call For Participation” Climate Change Summit 2014: Catalyzing Action 22-28 September NY
Dear Community of Educators,
[MGCY] Ministers Reference Book : Commonwealth 2014
From: Ravi Karkara <
Subject: [MGCY] Ministers Reference Book : Commonwealth 2014
Dear Colleague,
It is my privilege to share with you the 2014 Ministers Reference Book of Commonwealth which is Designed to help commonwealth member countries
work ever-more closely with each other to build a peaceful and prosperous
The report features over 40 articles from leading commentators, including
H.E.s David Cameron , Goodluck Jonathan, Executive Heads of UNCTAD, ITC,
IMF, UNESCO, FAO and others. It also has a feature on Hon. Hon. Nelson
Mandela’s legacy and his impact on the Commonwealth.
I am very honored to inform that the book features my article on Youth Led
Development (Page 152-155) among all these other luminaries.
I hope you will find this useful.
Warm regards
Please web-version
Please find a PDF of the Report – *You can copy and paste the following link in your browser to retrieve your file. The link will expire on August*
07, 2014 03:31 PDT.
Mailing list of the UN Major Group Children and Youth: The Children
and Youth space in sustainable development negotiations at the United
Website:, Facebook:,
Twitter: @UNMGCY
Ntiokam Divine
Child Labour Champion
Focal Point,Follow-up to the Brasilia Declaration
Global Youth Digital Advocate Post -2015
skype: ntiokam.divine
“Engaging and mobilizing youth for Agriculture Development”
Read My Blog<>
Share Your Vision for the World We Want 2015<>
UN Information on Post-2015<>
Read the MyWorld Blog <
Letter from Ms. Amina Mohammed to Major Groups and other Stakeholders
Subject: [GCAP Globalcouncil] [Coalitions] Letter from Ms. Amina Mohammed to Major Groups and other Stakeholders To:
Mailing list https://mailman-mail5.
July 28 – AJM letter to Major Groups and Other Stakeholders
Introduction and Update Bremley Lyngdoh
Dear SD Ed. Caucus Members,

Voorbeeld van YouTube-video TEDxPerm – Bremley Lyngdoh – 9/11/09 weergeven

South Bulletin: G77 celebrates 50th anniversary
Published by the South Centre
Dear All,
I am glad to share this beautiful Letter of Appreciation received from Mr. Al Gore, Chairman Climate Reality, addressed to me recognising and rewarding my work as outstanding from over 6000 Climate Leaders working across in 100 countries.
Indeed motivating to get this attention, I feel so honoured.
This is for all the members of SynergY and organisations that support me
Thank YOU,
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Lucita Jasmin <> wrote:
Re: WED2014
To: Lucita Jasmin <>
Date: 28/05/2014 12:38 PM
Subject: WED2014
Dear Simran – thanks for your mail and your support to World Environment Day. You can download and use the WED logo and banner from the WED website for the promotion of your activities. However, please make sure you only use the WED logo and that you use it as a whole. In the files you attached, the only one that may pose a concern is the Gisele flyer as it only has the UNEP logo. If you replace this with the WED logo then it is fine.
Please also make sure you register your activity on the WED website and that your campaign includes a call for pledges to be made on the WED Challenge in support of Gisele’s team.
If you need any more information, please let us know.
Thanks again and kind regards,
Lucy Jasmin
Ms. Lucy Jasmin
Head, Special Events
Division of Communications and Public Information (DCPI)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
P.O. Box 30552
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20 762 3401
G77 countries plus China support stand-alone goal on equality for the new SDGs !
Letter on modalities and NGO Major Group Statement
1) Letter presented Thursday morning to the Co-Chairs of Denmark and Papua New Guinea from Major Groups, Beyond 2015 and GCAP on modalities for the Post-2015 Summit and associated preparatory processes. This letter was addressed to Denmark & PNG, current & next PGA, and distributed to SG, OWG co-chairs and all Permanent Missions.
2) NGO Major Group statement presented at morning hearing on Monday, 5 May.

Earth Summit +5 The Black Box Intervention
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Pics Nelson MANDELA
Welcome to NAYD! Thanks for registering and holding our hands to add your voice to the many thousands of others in support of youth-led sustainable development in Africa. You will shortly be sent an invite to join our YAHOO and INSPIRE groups as well as added to our members page and NAYD maps (if you an organisation) but before you do anything else can I ask you to help bring symbols of peace and unity across Africa by signing our petition. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Kindly pass the link on to your friends for them to sign. We aim to get to 500 signatures before we send it on to the Chair of the AUC.
NAYD is a non political, non religious online platform that pools all the efforts of African youth into one force and gives them a greater voice. NAYD was established in 2006 and it is, simply put, a home to all young people who are primarily passionate about Africa and secondly work towards its sustainable development. It includes young people who are working in different community projects in their countries in youth – led start ups, community based organizations and non-governmental organizations. It is led by a group of passionate volunteers who run all its activities online and offline and who have overseen the rise in group membership in the last few years.
NAYD aims to promote and encourage the work of young Africans involved in activities that impact positive change in the continent by:-
> creating a platform where the youth can exchange ideas and information;
> to create a dynamic network formed by and for young Africans for the development of Africa as a whole;
> to promote recognition of, mobilize and enhance the capacity of young Africans internationally;
> to provide them with leadership skills to take action against poverty.
NAYD ultimately aims to move Africa from being labeled ‘3rd world’ and ‘developing’ to a continent that can sustain itself and its people across generations. It does this by collaborating with other organizations, groups, associations and individuals in educating, informing and inspiring others thus creating an unstoppable ripple effect.
This is carried out in five major ways.
Current Information
It collects current verified information on everything about development in Africa and makes it available to all the members. If you want to know what is going on in Tunisia, Niger or in Tanzania look no further than the NAYD webpage and social media. It pools together information regarding, but not limited to, opportunities, projects, research and education. In a span of a very short time that very information reaches thousands of young people across the world, who in turn share it with their networks, who in turn share it and the process goes on. Whilst we can’t prove that information alone triggers change we are sure that it does reach them and if the surge in request for membership is anything to go by we are positive that there is action taking place in the community as a result of this shared information.
NAYD has a group of bloggers who are experienced in their fields, well informed and also well versed with the blogging world. These bloggers write on a number of topics that are relevant and vital to the process of development in Africa. It has three major blogs; HIV/AIDS, CLIMATE CHANGE and INSPIRE. Through these blogs, issues are analyzed and put down in a language that any young person can understand and relate to. Besides that they also include write-ups on people and groups that are working in these fields in the community. By doing this, not only does NAYD give young people information but also helps put a perspective to this information in relation to sustainable development in Africa.
INSPIRE Newsletter
Every few weeks NAYD collects stories that have shaped the development discourse across Africa and puts them in a newsletter that is circulated to its members and also to other organizations that work in the development sector internationally. This newsletter also highlights and recognizes one NGO every month that is youth-led and working in Africa for development. By celebrating the work done by these NGOs NAYD encourages the young people who work at the grass root and also inspires other young people into action. It also puts the particular NGO in the limelight so that people who might be looking to connect with such a group can get the relevant information and potentially proceed to a fruitful partnership. It is also a small way of telling these people ‘Good job, keep doing it’.
Live Debates
In the information age we do not have to meet and debate issues physically. Through live debates, NAYD gives a voice to people working in the community who rarely get heard on other platforms. Last year NAYD introduced live debates that had some young Africans deliberating on a topic and moderated by an African youth. The first was on the question of ‘aid verses development’ and whether or not Africa really needed more aid. Though marred by a few technical glitches it elicited deep emotions from both those opposing and those proposing. The debates will continue this year with more topics under scrutiny by the young. It is hoped these debates will incentivize the listeners and participants to turn the emotions displayed during the debates into positive action. The next one will be on Google Hangout at 10am GMT Sat 29th March on the topic of youth and agriculture.
Topical discussions
Besides the live debates NAYD also holds and encourages the youth into having discussions on social media about everyday occurrences that affect Africa and its prospects in sustainable development. These are open discussions that include members who are online at a particular time though they are moderated by one of the volunteers. Topics range from the education system in Africa, the place of women in development to why youth consider agriculture a dirty occupation. Giving a platform for the youth to discuss their own issues without having a feeling that the big brother is watching them means that they openly share their opinion and learn from each other in the process.
All these activities are aimed at seeing that the process of development in Africa is open, owned by the youth and spearheaded by the youth. NAYD envisions a future where every African has access to quality education, food, health care and housing regardless of gender, status, tribe or geographical location. An Africa whose search in online search engines does not return emaciated kids holding an big empty bowl looking into an empty world in empty anticipation.
We don’t have any money to offer but do have thousands of talented youths all willing to give of their time and talents to make Africa the great continent it deserves to be. Please get involved and become an active member, not just an armchair voice as actions speak louder than words…..and as Nelson Mandela would say, “It always seems impossible until it is done”.
many thanks
[WorldYouth] Special INSPIRE for Nelson Mandela [1 Attachment, Nelson Mandela Flyer
Visit our website at
Secretariat Address: World Assembly of Youth, World Youth Complex, Jalan Lebuh Raya, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia.
Telephones: +6062321871 or +6062322711 Fax: +6062327271
Remembering Nelson Mandela: A True Youth and Development Advocate
From the 3-year-old who salutes Nelson Mandela (Madiba) in Soweto to the school children who grip portraits of the icon during a ceremony in India, it is evident that people across the globe feel the loss of Madiba’s passing.
As President Barack Obama noted last week, “We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again.” But, perhaps, if young people and adults can draw lessons from Mandela’s legacy – one based on human rights foundations – such as freedom, justice, tolerance and respect – we can witness the rise of a new generation that follows in Madiba’s footsteps.
As we remember the inspirational life of Mandela, we should recognize that the anti-apartheid leader was once an ambitious young man who only trusted in his convictions without probably knowing that his actions at the local and national level will transcend boarders and inspire the minds and actions of humanity worldwide. We should not relent in juxtaposing his core “change” values with the strategies and principles that guide our work and life. Here are some five facts and lessons drawn from Madiba:
- He believed in youth-led social structures: While living in Johannesburg, he immersed himself in anti-apartheid politics by joining the African National Congress (ANC). Dissatisfied with the ANC’s inability to mobilize youth, Mandela helped form the ANC Youth League in 1944.
- He was determined: He failed to obtain a law degree from the University of Witwatersrand; as its only black student. But he never gave up on his failure. Mandela studied while imprisoned and graduated from the University of South Africa in 1988. With his knowledge in law, he offered low-cost services for individuals seeking justices in an unjust society.
- He employed non-violence as a means of change: Like Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr., he practiced a “surrender-without-a-fight strategy” to promote peace and unity in his racially divided country. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), established as part of South Africa’s democratic transition, showcased incredible examples of forgiveness. Mandela received the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his promotion of peaceful rehabilitation in South Africa.
- He was a strong anti-poverty campaigner: Mandela taught my generation that “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity; it is an act of justice.” He viewed education as a way of eradicating poverty when he noted that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Perhaps to honor his vision we need to prioritize investment in quality and equitable education for young people, thereby contributing to efforts aimed at meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
- He was results-oriented: In principle and pragmatism, Mandela sought results. According to an anecdote used in the PBS documentary, The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela, after defeating the “enemy morally, internationally, politically,” he recognized his actions were not translating into results. So, he adjusted by employing a plethora of tactics (i.e. to scold, flatter, demand and cajole, when needed). Perhaps these tactics could inspire young leaders – especially those involved in various social change movements – to learn about how and when to practically demand accountability and results from key stakeholders. For the development practitioners, Mandela’s values should encourage us to strive for human-rights sensitive effectiveness, efficiency, impact and technical skills in our development interventions.
To the youth of today, Mandela once said, “I also have a wish to make: Be the script writers of your destiny and feature yourselves as stars that showed the way towards a brighter future.” He believed in the ability of young people to be catalysts for inclusive growth and development. Together, let’s continue to achieve what Madiba envisioned. Long live Madiba’s spirit, and may it never die in our hearts and minds!
What do you admire most about Mandela and how has it influenced you? Tell us how you intend to honor his values.
** This post was originally made on Youthink!
WORLDVIEW MISSION Letter of Condelence To Family Nelson Mandela
2013/12/9 Jojozi, A; Ms : The_Hague Counsellor Bilateral DIRCO
Dear Ms Helene Oord,
Thank you for your message. It is greatly appreciated.
The Embassy has opened a book of condolence for signing. You can visit the Embassy
between 10h00 and 15h00 to sign the book. If you are unable to, there is a link on our
website ( where electronic condolences can be sent. These messages
will be bound afterwards and sent through to the Mandela Family together with the other
official Books of Condolences that are being signed at the Embassy.
The Embassy is organizing a wreath laying ceremony at the Nelson Mandela Statue (next
to the Bel Air Hotel)which will take place at 16h15 on Friday, 13 December 2013.
Information on this will be published in the Embassy Website.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Anna-Maria Jojozi
Counsellor: Bilateral
Wassenaarseweg 40, 2596CJ
South African Embassy, The Hague
Tel: +31 70-392 4501/750 7649 / Cell: +31 68 565 0444 / Fax: +31 70-346 0669
Worldview Mission, Condolence book signing of Nelson Mandela, House of the South African Embassy Netherland’s
“I Have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered August 28, 1963
BREAKING NEWS Thursday, December 5, 2013 4:52 PM ES
Nelson Mandela, South African Icon of Peaceful Resistance, Is Dead
Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president and an enduring icon of the struggle against racial oppression, died on Thursday the government announced, leaving the nation without its moral center at a time of growing dissatisfaction with the country’s leaders. Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison after being convicted of treason by the white minority government, only to forge a peaceful end to white rule by negotiating with his captors after his release in 1990. He led the African National Congress, long a banned liberation movement, to a resounding electoral victory in 1994, the first fully democratic election in the country’s history. Mr. Mandela served just one term as South Africa’s president and had not made a public appearance since 2010, when the nation hosted the World Cup. But his decades in prison and his insistence on forgiveness over vengeance made him a potent symbol of the struggle to end his country’s brutally codified system of racial domination, and of the power of peaceful resolution in even the most intractable conflicts. Years after he retreated from public life, his name still resonated as an emblem of his effort to transcend decades of racial division and create what South Africans called a Rainbow Nation.
Dear Education Caucus Friends and Colleagues,
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela , born on the of 18 July 1918, would turn 95 this July 2013. He was an anti-apartheid revolutionary and was the first black South African, elected in a fully representative, multiracial election, to become President of the Republic of South Africa, in 1994. He held the post till 1999.
Prior to that, Mandela spent 27 years in prison, mainly on Robben Island in Cape Town. Major national and an international campaigns lobbied for his release and these succeeded in 1990 when he was released by President F.W. de Klerk, with whom he successfully negociated to abolish apartheid and establish a multi-racial South-Africa. He was elected President in 1994 and formed a Government of national unity.
Amongst his most remarkable contribution to his country’s welfare-and to world history- was the formation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (T&RC), to investigate crimes committed under apartheid by both the government and the ANC, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu as its chair. To prevent the creation of martyrs, the Commission granted individual amnesties in exchange for testimony of crimes committed during the apartheid era. The example of the South African T&RC inspired many to similar efforts towards reconciliation, flowing trauma like civil war or slavery. Our own Truth and Justice Commission of Mauritius is a good example. Using the South African example, Mandela encouraged nations to resolve conflicts throughdiplomacy and reconciliation and called for an African Renaissance on the continent.
Much well les known was his Land Restitution Act of 1994 which enabled people who had lost their property as a result of the apartheid era’s Natives Land Act of 1913 to claim back their land. Thousands of such land claims were successfully settled, leading to some measure of equity as far as land ownership is concerned.
Nelson Mandela is affectionately called Madiba by his people, rather like we refer to SSR as cha cha or the Indian population-and now the world- refers to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as the Mahatma.
Across the planet, Mandela came to be seen as a moral authority, with a great “concern for truth”. He has attained an emeritus status comparable to that of a Dalai Lama or a Mustafa Kemal Atatürk , a Abraham Lincoln or a JFK, a Mahatma Gandhi or a Jawaharlal Nehru, a Winston Churchill or a Charles de Gaulle, a Marx+Lenin or a Mikhail Gorbachev, a William Wilberforce or a Martin Luther King Jr.
He has been the subject of a huge number of articles, research papers, books and films. My personal best is the film Invictus (2009) where black American actor Morgan Freeman accurately portrays Mandela. Late in 1994, Mandela’s main autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, was published. Just like the Nehru jacket– a tailored coat with a mandarin collar worn by Pandit Nehru when PM of India between 1947 to 1964, we have an item of dress which Mandela liked wearing- a batik silk shirt with bright and colourful prints- and which has become known as a Madiba shirt.
As we know, he was deservedly co-awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1993 and will long be fondly remembered, at home in South Africa, in Mauritius and around the world.
Dr Michael Atchia
25 June 2013
- CFA joint statement UNPGA thematic debates-Feb2014
Beste mevrouw Helene Oord,
We willen u heel hartelijk bedanken voor uw betrokkenheid bij ons werk en uw financiële steun in 2013! Mede dankzij uw bijdrage van in totaal 45 Euro komen duizenden kinderen en hun families tot bloei in onze sponsorprogramma’s en kunnen wij helpen in acute noodsituaties.
Klik hier voor onze verkorte financiële verantwoording, waarin wij ook enkele hoogtepunten uit 2013 benoemen. Maar er gebeurde uiteraard veel meer in het afgelopen jaar. Met uw steun hebben we op veel plaatsen in de wereld het verschil gemaakt. Zo hebben bijvoorbeeld in Isanga (Tanzania) meer dan drieduizend mensen toegang tot schoon drinkwater gekregen, gaat in Bandarban (Bangladesh) nu 96% van de kinderen naar de basisschool en hebben we duizenden Syrische vluchtelingen geholpen. Dit en nog veel neer resultaten zijn terug te lezen in ons jaarverslag dat in maart gepubliceerd zal worden op onze website.
Nogmaals hartelijk dank voor uw betrokkenheid en wij hopen dat we ook in 2014 op uw steun mogen rekenen!
Met hartelijke groet,
Ruud van Eijle, directeur
PS World Vision is door de belastingdienst aangemerkt als Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Dit betekent dat uw financieële steun aan ons fiscaal aftrekbaar is.