Worldview Mission (WM) NGO, member of United Nations CSO-NET (ECOSOC CIVIL Society Network NGO Branch, New York.
UN-NGLS: The 2015 Post
Click here to view it as a webpage.
[Beyond 2015:346] Sec Gen Synthesis Report – task force, grupo de trabajo, groupe de travail
Dear Beyond 2015, (Español abajo – Francais ci-dessous),
As you know the UN Secretary General will soon be launching his “synthesis report” and this document may be one of the influential pieces in the post-2015 negotiations.
Beyond 2015 will be preparing a reaction to this document and we are looking for volunteers to support us in preparing this paper.
There is no official date for the launching of the report yet but we are expecting it to be in the last week of November. Our reaction will need to be ready very quickly so we can also influence Member States in their own analysis of the report.
Volunteers are expected to:
· Be ready to read the report (it may only be available in English at the first moment)
· Be ready to engage and provide inputs quickly and operate with very tight deadlines
· Commit to provide inputs considering the Campaigns positions (Red Flags, 3 P’s, Reaction to the OWG and VPVC).
· Engage in the dissemination of the reaction paper.
Please, do let us know by November 14 if you would be interested in engaging in this Task Force.
Please, send your confirmation to Naiara Costa (
Thanks and regards,
Beyond 2015 Secretariat
Estimada campaña Beyond 2015,
Como saben, el Secretario General de la ONU pronto lanzará su “informe de síntesis” – un documento que puede ser una de las piezas influyentes en las negociaciones post-2015.
Beyond 2015 va a preparar un documento de reacción a este informe, y estamos buscando voluntarios que contribuirán a la preparación de este documento.
Todavía no hay una fecha oficial de lanzamiento del informe, pero se supone que será la última semana de noviembre. Nuestra reacción tendrá que ser preparada muy rápidamente para poder influir a los Estados Miembros en la preparación de sus propias reacciones y análisis del informe .
Los voluntarios:
- · Estarán listos a leer el informe (que sólo estará disponible en Inglés en el primer momento)
- · Estarán disponibles para participar y aportar de forma rápida, y operar con plazos muy ajustados
- · Se comprometerán a proporcionar insumos teniendo en cuenta las posiciones de la Campaña (las banderas rojas, los 3 pillares, la Reacción de Beyond 2015 al documento del Grupo de Trabajo Abierto (OWG) y la visión, el propósito, los valores y los criterios – VPVC.
- · Participarán en la difusión del documento de reacción.
Por favor, hacernos saber antes del 14 de noviembre en caso de querer participar en este Grupo de Trabajo, enviando su confirmación a Naiara Costa (
Gracias y saludos,
Secretaría de Beyond 2015
Chère campagne Beyond 2015,
Comme vous savez, le Secrétaire général de l’ONU va bientôt lancer son “Rapport de synthèse” – un document qui peut être l’une des pièces d’influence dans les négociations post-2015.
Beyond 2015 va préparer un document de réaction à ce rapport, et nous sommes à la recherche de personnes qui voudraient contribuer à l’élaboration de ce document.
Il n’y a toujours pas de date de sortie officielle du rapport, mais elle est censée être la dernière semaine de Novembre. Notre réponse doit être très rapide pour pouvoir influer les États membres dans l’élaboration de leurs propres réactions et d’analyser le rapport.
Si vous voulez participer à la préparation de la réaction, il faudra:
• Etre prêt à lire le rapport (disponible seulement en anglais pour le moment)
• Être disponible pour participer et contribuer rapidement et travailler avec des délais serrés
• Etre prêt à fournir des apports en tenant compte des positions de la campagne (les drapeaux rouges, les 3 piliers, la réaction de Beyond 2015 au document du Groupe de Travail Ouvert (OWG), et la vision, le but, les valeurs et les critères – VPVC de Beyond 2015.
• Participer à la diffusion de la réaction.
Veuillez laissez-nous savoir avant le 14 Novembre si vous souhaitez participer à ce groupe de travail : envoyer un message de confirmation à Naiara Costa (
Merci et salutations,
Secrétariat de Beyond 2015
Fiona Hale
Beyond 2015 International Officer
Working from Newcastle, UK
Skype: fionahale (Newcastle, England)
Cellphone +44 (0) 7815 071918
Please note that I don’t work on Friday.
Follow Beyond 2015 on Twitter @Beyond2015 and Facebook
Beyond 2015 thematic groups are open to all organisations participating in the campaign. Join a group! Click here to find out which working groups and task forces are currently active.
You work at the regional level? Check out our regional hubs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Pacific here.
You work at the national level? You can find details of our national hubs across the world here.
Check out what the Executive Committee has been up to, here.
A Declaration of the NEXUS 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy conference…., of being achieved by 2030
2014 Nexus Declaration Final pdf
Sustainable 2015-Post Millenium Development Goal
Submit to the UN-Secretary General on the 26th of March, 2014
“Call for Abstracts” 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development, September 9-11 2014
2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development
“Tackling a Key 21st Century Evaluation Challenge” – Washington, D.C. – September 9-11, 2014
Specific Objectives of the conference
1) To learn from recent efforts to evaluate the results and impact of policies and programs of climate change interventions, including the relationship to other development areas.
2) To review and analyze new and emerging approaches and methods to evaluate climate change policies and interventions and to identify gaps and challenges for future work.
3) To identify innovative and emerging learning and knowledge sharing strategies to enhance the utility of climate change and development evaluations.
4) To provide additional support to strengthen capacity in developing countries to undertake evaluation of climate change interventions.
Call for Abstracts
1. Policy and program level evaluations
2. Evaluating climate change adaptation
3. Evaluating climate change mitigation.
1. Relevance (abstracts must be concise and coherently aligned with the conference themes and objectives as well as the target audience.
2. Novelty and Innovation (abstract must show innovative information and/or present new or emerging developments in climate change evaluation).
3. Advancement of Climate Change Evaluation Practice (abstract should present a significant contribution to the field of climate change and NRM evaluation and indicate how the submitted paper will contribute to the development of global knowledge)
4. Overall Clarity and Quality of Abstract (abstracts should ensure easy understanding of issues and objectives of the paper)
5. Originality and unpublished work (abstract must be original and should not have been previously published)
1. Name and title of presenting author
2. Email and telephone contact details of presenting author
3. Title of the paper
4. Name, title and institutional affiliation of author
Exhibition presentations
Visit Climate-Eval community of practice for more information: http://www.
And for more information on the call for Abstracts, email David Akana at Climate-Eval: dakana@thegef.
Best wishes,
Dennis Bours
Steering Committee Member of the 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development.
African Union Letter Draft African Common Position on Post-2015 Agenda
African Union Letter Draft African Common Position on Post-2015 Agenda
New Release – Discussion Paper on Corporate Social Responsibility
*Apologies for cross-posting*
UNDP MDG Carbon has recently released a new Discussion Paper on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility as an enabler of Green Growth and Climate Action’ which looks at the role of UNDP and MDG Carbon in helping a host country to establish a CSR Agency, a CSR Strategy and a CSR Fund for sustainable development.
The discussion paper is intended primarily for policy makers, regulators, and implementing agencies to relook at the private sector initiatives under CSR as a driver for green growth and climate action as well to encourage the private sector and organizations interested in CSR to act with national / regional governments to align their CSR efforts with broader sustainable development goals.
Kindly download the Discussion Paper here.
Best regards,
E-mail :
Terms of reference – Youth Coordinator- UN Millenium Campaign.pdf 459 kB UN Terms of reference – Youth Coordinator- UN Millenium Campaign PDF |
Post -2015 Agenda from the United Nations Millinnium Campaign (UNMC)
Women in economic decision-making in the EU:
Progress report A Europe 2020 initiative
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
- Reduce child mortality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Develop a global partnership for development
UNDP Leadership on the MDG’Ls
Millennium Declaration
In 2000, 189 nations made a promise to free people from extreme poverty and multiple deprivations. This pledge became the eight Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015. In September 2010, the world recommitted itself to accelerate progress towards these goals. About the Goals At the 2000 UN Millennium Summit, world leaders from rich and poor countries alike committed themselves – at the highest political level – to a set of eight time-bound targets that, when achieved, will end extreme poverty worldwide by 2015
Membership Worldview Mission (WM)with FRIENDSHIP AMBASSADOR FOUNDATION
The Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations
11 Years of Making A Difference
The Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations empowers youth leaders to contribute to the success of the 8 UN Millennium Development Goals with practical advice, excellent networking, & opportunities for personal advancement . Guest speakers have included an array of UN staff, celebrities, and youth leaders
Worldview Mission member off On UN Teamwork Membership
European NGO Confederation For Relief and Development
UN DESA has helped countries around the world meet their economic, social and environmental challenges for more than 50 years.
Contact: Latisha Jarrett, Director of USA Partnerships, JBF Worldwide
Providing school supplies to over 14 different women and children’s homeless and domestic violence shelters throughout North Texas.
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, JULY 20 – The Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF Worldwide) is pleased to announce their partnership with Captain Hope’s Kids (CHK) “Tools for School” drive and the efforts put forth in support of the thousands of women and children living in homeless and domestic violence shelters throughout North Texas.
Jack Brewer Foundation at Millennium Development Goals Awards
Millennium Development Goals Awards event was held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.
The MDGs are comprised of eight target areas: End Poverty (MDGL nr 1 ) and Hunger, Universal Education, Gender Equality, Child Health, Maternal Health, (MDGL nr 5 ) Combat HIV/AIDS, (MDGL nr 6) Environmental Sustainability, (MDGL nr 7 ) and Global Partnership. As in the previous awards event, this Millennium Development Goals Awards ceremony will bestow awards in the areas of Government, Lifetime Achievement, and Recognition for Outstanding Youth Leadership.
Friends Pics, Hélène H. Oord with Brothers Leigh Boddem & Jack Brewer, of The Jack Brewer Foundation