Ong Ngo (IFP) – EN
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REPAOC contribution to capacity building of Civil Society Organizations in Guinea-Bissau
Posted: 29 Oct 2014 08:38 AM PDT
Soliciting the expertise of the REPAOC members allowed Guinea Bissau CSOs to evenly appropriate the various complex stages of participatory governance
Cambodia: Youth NGOs discuss Post-2015 development agenda and the role of youths
Posted: 29 Oct 2014 07:47 AM PDT
Around 70 youth representatives from different countries in Asia met and discussed today on the topic of “Look Forward: Post-2015 Development Agenda and Role of Youths” at KSSA/ICF Center, Phnom Penh
Aid transparency: France is far from meeting its G-8 commitments
Posted: 23 Oct 2014
Despite the presidential commitments on the transparency of aid made at the G8 in June 2013, France is struggling to publish its data on official development assistance (ODA) to the international standard.
Latin America is committed to eradicating poverty and promoting equality
Posted: 23 Oct 2014 09:47 AM PDT
During the Tenth Forum of Ministers of Social Development that concluded today in Quito, Latin America committed to eradicating poverty and strengthening public policies aimed at achieving greater equality in the region.
Civil society organizations in Mexico as actors in the public interest
Posted: 22 Oct 2014 01:38 PM PDT
The trajectory of a group of civil organizations in our country towards their recognition as social-political and public interest stakeholders has followed a long, complex and uneven route, which has been largely determined or influenced by the national and international political context.
Chile: public statement by the Citizens Committee on Climate Change
Posted: 22 Oct 2014 07:48 AM PDT
Following the announcements made by President Michelle Bachelet on September 23rd as part of her participation in the UN Climate Summit convened by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in New York, the Citizens Committee on Climate Change states that:
Through the call of civil society, a human tide rises against any idea of partition of Mali
Posted: 19 Oct 2014 09:43 AM PDT
Civil society organizations did not beat around the bush this Thursday, 25 September 2014 to reject any hint of division of Mali. There were more than sixty thousand people pounding the pavement in Bamako with a single slogan: Mali is one and undividable.
World Bank chief says ebola outbreak shows harm of inequality
Posted: 20 Oct 2014 12:08 PM PDT
Fighting the Ebola epidemic means confronting the issue of inequality, as people in poor countries have less access to knowledge and infrastructure for treating the sick and containing the deadly virus, the head of the World Bank said.
Cambodia at a crossroads: New laws would limit freedoms
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 09:28 AM PDT
Set against a background of endemic corruption, unsustainably low wages and impoverishing confiscations of land, Cambodia is considering a series of laws that will severely restrict human rights and the activities of civil society organisations working on these issues, according to a team of international experts visiting the country.
- Asia: Regional summit calls for support to civil society amid crackdown
- Beyond 2015 Copenhagen CSO Conference
- Global Perspectives 2014
- IACHR calls upon member States of the OAS to guarantee fully and effectively the human rights of indigenous peoples
- Brazil: Plebiscite reaches 7.52 million votes in favor of constitutional reform
- Asia: Regional summit calls for support to civil society amid crackdown
- Posted: 09 Oct 2014 01:43 PM PDT
- NGOs and other civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Philippines have recently been given a bad name by the pork barrel scandal involving the use of bogus NGOs and have been threatened with restrictive government regulations.
Beyond 2015 Copenhagen CSO Conference
Posted: 09 Oct 2014 09:46 AM PDT
The Beyond 2015 Copenhagen CSO Conference will bring approx. 200 civil society representatives to Copenhagen with the objective of taking stock of the Post-2015 agenda and the global goals for sustainable development. The conference is an important opportunity for jointly discussing the outcome of the 69th session of the UNGA, influensing the final UNSG Synthesis Report on the […]
Posted: 09 Oct 2014 08:58 AM PDT
Global Perspectives is the annual meeting of the top leaders of civil society organisations (CSOs) from around the globe. It provides a platform to discuss the most pressing challenges, opportunities and trends affecting civil society globally together with high-level representatives from social movements, politics, the corporate sector and academia. The year 2015 with its crucial multilateral…
Posted: 09 Oct 2014 08:16 AM PDT
The jurisprudence of the Inter-American system of human rights emphasizes that the protection of the right to property of indigenous peoples to their ancestral lands is a matter of particular importance.
Brazil: Plebiscite reaches 7.52 million votes in favor of constitutional reform
Posted: 09 Oct 2014 07:54 AM PDT
This figure represents the support of 97% of 7.7 million voters. The result will be delivered to the three branches of government in October, during a great event in Brasilia
Civil Society Statement from the Asia Regional Civil Society Experience Summit
Posted: 06 Oct 2014 02:33 PM PDT
Summit participants acknowledged civil society’s important roles to promote democracy through inclusive and participatory advocacy for all; monitor and evaluate governments’ performance and hold them accountable; provide services to local populations; and educate the public on policies, laws, and rights.
President Obama announces new civil society initiative
Posted: 07 Oct 2014 12:01 PM PDT
President Barack Obama announced a new presidential initiative today to promote the growth of civil society around the world at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual gathering in New York.
Strengthening the post-2015 agenda: Voices of experience from the front line
Posted: 30 Sep 2014 12:33 PM PDT
Civil society organisations challenge UN representatives and Member States to be more ambitious in defining a transformative post-2015 agenda.
‘Thunderclap’ for Beyond 2015 at the UN General Assembly
Posted: 22 Sep 2014 02:00 PM PDT
On September 24 at 9am New York time, just before the start of the UN General Debate, this Thunderclap of support from around the world on social media will reinforce the messages Beyond 2015 representatives will be sharing with governments in countries around the world and at the UN General Assembly.
ACCIÓN creates space for dialogue on civil society facing the international agenda
Posted: 24 Sep 2014 06:58 AM PDT
The new Thematic Committee on Citizen Diplomacy was opened by the Chilean Association of NGOs – ACCIÓN and the Senate Thematic Committees, in collaboration with the Diplomatic Academy, with a forum where civil society outlined its role regarding global processes, such as the Post 2015 Agenda and the regional integration agenda.
Seminar on SDGs highlights importance of social participation
Posted: 23 Sep 2014 08:38 AM PDT
Debate sponsored by organizations addresses civil society’s dispute for a broad and democratic participation in the negotiations of the SDGs.
Prohibition of 136 newspapers in DR Congo
Posted: 09 Sep 2014 12:53 PM PDT
The Executive Committee of OLPA, whose primary mission is to defend and promote the right to inform and be informed, has carefully considered these two ministerial decrees that are of a clearly illegal nature, and would like to raise the following observations.
Barbados NGO’s
Roosevelt O. King
Secretary General
Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations
#10 Garrison, St. Michael, Barbados, Caribbean
Tel: 246-571-3535; 246-822-7707; 246-253-5815
Information Centre <>
- NGOs and access to public funds: Old dilemmas, enormous complexities
- A citizen working group against climate change is born, articulated by civil society
- Brazil: Movements and authorities discuss social participation
- NGOs and access to public funds: Old dilemmas, enormous complexities
- NGOs and access to public funds: Old dilemmas, enormous complexities
- Posted: 16 Sep 2014 10:20 AM PDT
- What elsewhere is merely a matter of procedure and demonstration of qualities, in Guatemala, and generally in Central America -with its nuances- is a complex and multi-faceted issue. I refer here to the management of public funds by development NGOs.
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 08:45 AM PDT
- The group seeks for Chile to assume leadership in the fight against climate change and its central focus is political action to bring the Chilean government to make more ambitious commitments on this issue, on the eve of the Climate Summit to be held in September and the COP20 in December.
Brazil: Movements and authorities discuss social participation
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 07:55 AM PDT
Minister assesses that entities require a Social Participation Policy to strengthen their performance in the construction of public policies.
The challenges raised by the First UNASUR Forum on Citizen Participation
Posted: 12 Sep 2014 02:10 PM PDT
The next steps are that, within three months from the constitution of the new pro tempore presidency of UNASUR, member countries should have formed their national chapters of the Forum for Citizen Participation. And these, assisted by a focal point in their respective foreign ministries.
Posted: 12 Sep 2014 01:41 PM PDT
The second part of the exchange will take place in Brazil in various regions of the state of Bahia, and aims to provide reflection and debate between the participating civil society networks on the current mechanisms for cooperation between civil society and their respective governments in promoting food sovereignty and security and nutrition, in particular for populations in situations of…
Prohibition of 136 newspapers in DR Congo
Posted: 09 Sep 2014 12:53 PM PDT
Nepal: National workshop on Post 2015 Sustainable Development framework
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 12:49 PM PDT
UNASUR: Social organizations question the meaning and impact of South American integration
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 12:26 PM PDT
What is UNASUR? What is the importance of IIRSA for establishing UNASUR? What interests does the Council for Infrastructure and Planning COSIPLAN, dependent from UNASUR, respond to? Does it take into account the rights of peoples and communities where its projects are implemented? What is the role of transnational corporations and international finance capital in UNASUR projects? Do Bolivia and…
Uruguay: Legal framework for NGOs is “fragmented and incomplete”
Posted: 03 Sep 2014 08:57 AM PDT
Uruguay does not have an adequate legal framework that comprehensively regulates civil society organizations, according to the “National Study on the legal frameworks for civil society organizations in Uruguay”, performed by attorney Javier Palummo for the National Association of Nongovernmental Organizations (ANONG).
- African Social Forum
- “Without Civil Society Organizations the process of UNASUR is not complete”
- Central Africa has its regional action plan on the integrated management of water resources
Posted: 01 Sep 2014 02:29 PM PDT
MAIN ISSUES: Crises, wars and conflicts in Africa Military interventions and resource governance: What is the response of African social movements?
“Without Civil Society Organizations the process of UNASUR is not complete”
Posted: 01 Sep 2014 01:34 PM PDT
At the national level, each country must form a Citizen Participation Chapter in the framework of its UNASUR-related institutions.
Central Africa has its regional action plan on the integrated management of water resources
Posted: 01 Sep 2014 10:32 AM PDT
For the Network of NGO Platforms for Central Africa, water is a vital resource for both rich and poor alike. Well managed, it can contribute to poverty reduction in many ways. The poor, in particular in rural areas and in some city slums, can hardly access clean water and sanitation services.
Mining in Peru: Deepening of the extractive model
In recent decades, Latin America and Peru in particular, have witnessed the rapid growth of extractive industries, particularly mining. In Peru, mining concessions grew from 7% in 2005 to 22% of the national territory in June 2014
UN: Asia-Pacific developing countries see “subdued” growth for third straight year
Posted: 21 Aug 2014 09:50 AM PDT
Developing countries in Asia and the Pacific are experiencing yet another year of subdued economic growth, marking the third successive year of growth below 6 per cent, according to the annual flagship publication of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
Posted: 21 Aug 2014 09:37 AM PDT
(Español) Este año el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Mundo llega en un momento crucial en que el mundo está empeñado en alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, forjar una nueva visión para el desarrollo sostenible y preparar las bases para la adopción de un nuevo acuerdo jurídico sobre el clima, todo ello para 2015
Posted: 20 Aug 2014 02:57 PM PDT
International Civil Society Week 2014
Posted: 19 Aug 2014 12:41 PM PDT
International Civil Society Week 2014 will be held from 19 to 25 November 2014. The event, organized by CIVICUS in Johannesburg, South Africa, will feature more than 20 meetings organized by CSOs from around the world, addressing the theme “Citizen Action, People Power”. The CIVICUS World Assembly will also take place at that time. You […]
Habitat Seminar, Access to Land and Financing
Posted: 19 Aug 2014 10:35 AM PDT
A space for participation and scientific-technological and local habitat management exchange to revalue social-housing production from the perspective of the various sectors involved; recognizing alternative experiences of access to land and financing; strengthening the role of the state in instruments to promote access to decent housing; and contributing to the production of inputs for public
UN – NGLS: CSOs invited to submit proposals by 17 August to SIDA and USAID for civil society innovation program
COP-20 Group sends letter to Ollanta Humala
Posted: 30 Jul 2014 03:41 PM PDT
Through an open letter addressed to President Ollanta Humala, member organizations and institutions of the Peru COP 20 Group expressed concern about the contradictory position that the Peruvian government has adopted in the COP 20 preparatory negotiations process; particularly the President’s recent statements during the Fifth Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, where he stressed the…
Progress on MDG targets not good enough
Posted: 30 Jul 2014 03:05 PM PDT
While South-East Asia and the island countries in the Pacific show progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, their records still fall short in a number of targets aimed at improving the lives of millions of people in the regions, according to the UN’s new 2014 MDGs report
Civil society in a democracy in transformation
Posted: 01 Aug 2014 01:22 PM PDT
The world has experienced major paradigm shifts in these first decades of the 21st century. The interactivity afforded by the internet and social networking has transformed the way people interact with information. In economics, the hard shocks of 2008 provoked questions about capitalism, with fierce debates about ways to redesign the system. But perhaps it is about democracy that we are…
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 03:02 PM PDT
The 3rd National Civil Society Consultation was held yesterday, organized by UNITAS Network. The event contributed to national and global debate from the standpoint of social organizations, issuing approaches and messages to be taken into account in the future global development agenda. This Post 2015 agenda will be the path that will determine the social and economic way to development for both…
In defense of democracy: the right to protest
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 09:01 AM PDT
We are observing a remembrance of the 50th anniversary of the military coup. We recall this period in which the condition for “progress” was the suppression of freedom, imprisonment, torture, and silence imposed on the Brazilian people. As a result of the dictatorship, the police acquired certain habits, as if it had more power than before, and often acted as if it were endowed with immunity
UN experts: Indigenous peoples can’t be ‘deleted’ from Development Goals
Posted: 06 Aug 2014 09:42 AM PDT
The new United Nations sustainable development goals must not be a step backwards for indigenous peoples according to a group of UN experts* on indigenous peoples. Their call comes after a meeting held by the open-ended Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals in New York to draft a set of goals which will be presented to the UN General Assembly in September.
Posted: 08 Aug 2014 02:43 PM PDT
We, the participants of the National Conference on Participatory and Decentralized Governance, have gathered the lessons and challenges faced by civil society organizations (CSOs) in engaging the government and other stakeholder partners through CSO-led local poverty reduction and development agendas.
Posted: 08 Aug 2014 10:28 AM PDT
2200 million people are in poverty or near poverty, the 2014 Human Development Report on vulnerability and resilience warned. The report calls for universal provision of basic social services and stronger social protection policies and promotion of full employment, to promote and consolidate progress made in human development
Letter from Ms. Amina Mohammed to Major Groups and other Stakeholders
Subject: [GCAP Globalcouncil] [Coalitions] Letter from Ms. Amina Mohammed to Major Groups and other Stakeholders To:
GCAP works to challenge the institutions and processes that perpetuate poverty and inequality across the world to defend and promote human rights, gender justice, social justice and security needed for survival and peace.
Mailing list https://mailman-mail5.
July 28 – AJM letter to Major Groups and Other Stakeholders
The World Cup for what? For whom?
Posted: 22 Jul 2014 03:09 PM PDT
Many wonder about the reasons for the large protests in Brazil in June 2013, especially for the criticism
Beyond 2015 reaction to and recommendations on the OWG’s Zero Draft on SDGs
Posted: 22 Jul 2014 10:35 AM PDT
Beyond 2015, a global civil society campaign consisting of over 1000 CSOs in over 130 countries, presents its compliments to your Missions and is pleased to share its reaction to the “Introduction and Proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Zero Draft)” presented by the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development.
Posted: 23 Jul 2014 10:44 AM PDT
Beijing+20 NGO Review Forum – Invitation to participate
Take place between 3-5 November 2014 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
Call for Social Movements to mobilize for the upcoming World Social Forum – Tunisia 2015
Posted: 18 Jul 2014 02:43 PM PDT
NGOs and UNESCO: Global education targets should be included in future development agenda
Global education targets should be included in the future international development agenda set for reform in 2015 say leading NGOs and institutions such as UNESCO, following the Conference “Citizens for Global Education, Education for Global Citizenship” held in Brussels on 24-25 June
Peru: Productive diversification as a development alternative
Posted: 17 Jul 2014 09:57 AM PDT
As a positive initiative of the Ministry of Production, productive diversification is expected to materialize in the coming months, said the representative of CONADES. Thus, regional, local governments and population will, in a coordinated fashion, make the most of the geographical richness and potential of the natural regions of Peru.
Posted: 11 Jul 2014 01:42 PM PDT
Since the July 2013 general election, the Cambodian ruling party has had a choice to make in the face of record voter disapproval: reform or repress. Improve accountability, responsiveness and inclusion in the benefits of economic development to win public support – or take steps to constrain dissent and cripple the opposition. It appears the ruling party is putting forward a package of laws,…
REPAOC: Together we will forge the future of humanitarian action
Posted: 11 Jul 2014 10:35 AM PDT
This was the theme of the regional consultation in preparation for the World Conference of Humanitarian Aid, to be held in 2016 in Istanbul (Turkey). This regional consultation took place June 19 and 20, 2014 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) with the participation of Dionisio Pereira (PLATONG), Rémy Komla AFOUTOU (FONGTO), Madi Jobarteh (TANGO) and Guy Aho TETE Benissan (REPAOC).
Re-thinking poverty in light of climate change
Posted: 09 Jul 2014 12:42 PM PDT
Brazil: Bill advancing a New Regulatory Framework for CSOs approved
The House of Representatives approved on Wednesday (2) the Senate Bill 7168/14, establishing new standards for voluntary partnerships between the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) providing greater legal certainty for the parties involved. The matter will be sent for sanction of President Dilma Rousseff, who has expressed…
Asia Pacific CSOs call for rights-based and people-centered sustainable development financing
Rights-based and people-centered sustainable development financing was the primary message of civil society groups during the Asia Pacific Outreach Meeting on Sustainable Development Financing held last June 10-11 in Jakarta.
Asia-Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism
Dear all,
Seventy-five (75) representatives of civil society organizations in the Asia Pacific region gathered on 15-17 May in Bangkok, Thailand for the Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum on Sustainable Development. The meeting preceded the UNESCAP intergovernmental Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) and focused on consolidating and expanding the collective civil society call for Development Justice as central part of the post-2015 development agenda.
A major milestone of the CSO forum was the creation of a transition mechanism for a new Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (RCEM). The aim of the RCEM is to enable stronger cross constituency1 coordination and ensure that voices of all sub-regions2 of Asia Pacific are heard in intergovernmental processes. Thus, the RCEM will ensure that the 60% of the world’s people living in the Asia Pacific region are better represented by civil society and social movements in global negotiations and have a stronger, coordinated, and more effective voice in regional processes.
The full communique from the CSO Forum is attached.
Voorbeeld van bijlage Communique_APCSOFSD.17 June.pdf weergeven

Ong Ngo (IFP) – EN
Bolivia: NGO-state relationship improved after emergency
Posted: 04 Jul 2014 12:58 PM PDT
- Burkina Faso organizes African Water Forum
- Who’s afraid of popular participation?
- Changing the public conversation about Global Development
Burkina Faso organizes African Water Forum
More than 650 African stakeholders related to water gathered in the capital of Burkina Faso from 12 to 14 June to prepare a common position towards the World Water Summit to be held in Daegu, South Korea in 2015. Organised by Government of Burkina Faso and 2IE, this pre-forum paved the way for universal access to services.
Changing the public conversation about Global Development
Posted: 30 Jun 2014 09:56 AM PDT
There’s an old communications maxim that if you can name something, you can own the conversation around it. We see this all the time in our political discourse and even in culture and society. Think “War on Terror” or “Google” for that matter.
Diploma “Strengthening CSOs for the promotion of Citizen Participation in Social Development”
The aim is to equip CSOs with theoretical-methodological and instrumental elements that allow them to increase their participation in social development and to enhance the effectiveness of their work at the community level. This in order to maximize the impact of organized civil society on social development
The Council for International Development is holding a civil-military forum again in 2014. The forum will be held on the 26th June in Wellington on the topic “Humanitarian Aid in conflict” – NDRF Guiding principles for civil-military interaction. The forum will involve a range of panels and workshops which will analyse the roles and responsibilities […]
Will the Democratic Republic of Congo be ready for the 2015 rendezvous?
Reading the SGPR 2 -the Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction-Generation 2- the document indicates that a National Plan for the MDGs has been achieved since December 2008.
Eduardo Toche is a researcher at the Center for the Study and Promotion of Development (Desco) of Peru, and one of the guest speakers at the seminar “More and better democracy: relations of civil society with the state in a new political cycle”, organized by the Chilean Association of NGOs (ACCION) on April 21st in Santiago.
In a somewhat low profile world summit held in September 2000 at the UN headquarters in New York, 189 member countries signed the UN Millennium Declaration which would subsequently result in what is known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
- CIVICUS: “Global wave of protests driven by national and international governance failures”
- The contributions of peasant family farming to the national economy
- Civil Society Forum – Southern African Development Community
CIVICUS: “Global wave of protests driven by national and international governance failures”
Mass public protests that have grabbed headlines around the world during the last few years reflect a failure of governance at the national and international level, says a new report by the global civil society alliance, CIVICUS. “In many countries around the world people see formal democratic processes and party politics as failing to address the issues they care about. […]
The contributions of peasant family farming to the national economy
Posted: 20 Jun 2014 01:35 PM PDT
2014 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Family Farming. This initiative constitutes a clear reflection of the importance of Peasant Family Farming for the world and a unique opportunity to position and achieve favorable institutional, financial and legal changes that promote an enabling environment for this forgotten yet crucial economic […]
Civil Society Forum – Southern African Development Community
Posted: 20 Jun 2014 10:30 AM PDT
The Regional Apex Alliance partners consisting of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (FOCCISA); Southern Africa Trade Unions Coordinating Council (SATUCC) and SADC Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (SADC-CNGO) wish to announce to all stakeholders that their flagship annual event the Civil Society Forum will be held in HARARE, ZIMBABWE in July (27th-31st) 2014
Intenational Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP) Council
The Intenational Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP) Council will meet in London on may 20 and 21, for what will be its first meeting of the year 2014, with the objective of debate on its stratetegic guidelines and its plan of action for the futur, in preparation of the next General Assembly that will […]
CONCORD members and Civil Society in Ukraine
Posted: 10 Jun 2014 09:20 AM PDT
Is there a role for CONCORD members to support civil society in Ukraine?
Dilma declares support to regulatory framework for CSOs
Posted: 10 Jun 2014 09:12 AM PDT
President Dilma Rousseff declared her support for the adoption of the Draft Law 7168/2014 and the entire agenda of the Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations (MROSC).
Daniel Nuijten
Capacity Building Officer
CONCORD a.i.s.b.l
10 Square Ambiorix
1000 Brussels
tel: 32 (0)2 743 87 65
Fax: 32 (0)2 732 19 34
regards sano
Working for Building Community Resilience
E-mail: director@savetheearthcambodia.
Save the Earth Cambodia empowers people to reduce their environmental, disaster and health risks; enhance gender balanced, marginalized and vulnerable people (elderly, women, children, disable, indigenous, trafficked etc.) centered development initiatives for healthy and environmentally friendly communities and public institutions.
16 June 2014
Representatives of major groups and stakeholders of civil society registered to participate in the 12th session of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), write this letter to you, following the decision to close the session to civil society.
Over 330 civil society organisations have gathered in New York to participate in the OWG, on request of UN DESA with many coming from abroad, at considerable cost, time and resources.
None of the civil society organisations had been informed previously that they would not be able to attend the OWG meeting this week.
Since civil society worldwide are being excluded as they can no longer follow the webcast, at least their representatives who came all the way to the US should be allowed to participate and inform their constituencies.
We echo calls by Sweden, Vietnam (on behalf of their troika with Thailand and Bhutan), Ireland and Germany who specifically called to maintain an inclusive and open spirit of the OWG that benefits from civil society’s participation.
As we call for a transformative, participatory and inclusive development framework we have to embody those principles in the process of formulating this agenda. This is in line with Article 248 of the Rio+20 Outcome Document which calls for “…an intergovernmental process on SD, that is open to all stakeholders…”.
This exclusion of Major Groups and other Stakeholders contradicts the co-chair’s calls for civil society to meaningfully respond and provide concrete ideas for the draft goals and targets. Civil society is no longer able to provide their expertise, as they lack the information on where the discussions stand.
We call into mind the compromise that co-chairs had made, to have ‘informal informals’ in the week preceding the open working group meeting. We therefore object that the informals were resumed during the formal session, and that civil society was subsequently excluded, without a clear reason to do so.
Up to this point our engagement has been very constructive and much appreciated, and we regret that the doors are being closed. This contradicts meaningful civil society participation.
Even if the format of the informals is maintained, we call to mind the precedent established by the Rio+20 conference, where the informals were open for observers from Major Groups and Stakeholders.
We therefore ask the co-chairs to either revert to the formal session or follow the precedent established at Rio+20 and open informals to observers. We also call for access to the latest hard copies of the documents. We are happy to meet with you to discuss this further,
The Organising Partners of the Major Groups and Stakeholders
· Women Major Group
· NGO Major Group
· Trade Union Major Group
· Major Group Children and Youth
· Indigenous Peoples Major Group
· Beyond 2015 campaign
· International Federation of Medical Student’s Associations
· The International Movement of Catholic Students – Pax Romana
· Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
· Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (India)
· Natural Resources Defense Council
Twitter: @WECF_INT , @WECF_NL @SaschaGabizon
WICF/WECF co-facilitates the Women’s Major Group for the United Nations
Cape Verde’s NGO Platform initiates project on Civil Society participation in electoral processes
Posted: 10 Jun 2014 08:46 AM PDT
Cape Verde’s NGO Platform recently began implementing a project for “enabling and empowering Cape Verde civil society organizations to participate in electoral processes.” The project, which will be executed during 18 months, is being funded by the United Nations Fund for Democracy, UNDEF, through the Seventh Round of Funding opened in 2012 for non-governmental organizations. […]
BRICS Civil Society: Unite or face the consequences
Posted: 09 Jun 2014 03:15 PM PDT
El Seminario titulado “Promoción de la Equidad y la Justicia Socio-ambiental en los países BRICS”, que tuvo lugar el pasado 28, 29 y 30 de mayo en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, organizado por dos redes brasileñas de la sociedad civil, REBRIP – Red Brasileña de integración de las personas y ABONG – Asociación Brasileña de ONG, fue una gran oportunidad para aprender y compartir experiencias que cruzan…
NGO/DPI Executive Committee: Comprehensive By-Law Review
13 June 2014
FROM: Frances Zainoeddin and the Executive Committee By-Laws Subcommittee
Re: By-Laws – Comprehensive Review
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As you know, the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, like every nonprofit, operates under a set of Bylaws which govern its activities at the highest level. From time to time, it is appropriate to review those Bylaws, as well as the accompanying policies & procedures that deal with more day to day details of the Executive Committee’s functions.
The NGO/DPI Executive Committee has undertaken a comprehensive review of the Bylaws and will be asking the membership at large to approve the revised bylaws at the Annual Meeting on 26 June 2014. A copy of the revised Bylaws is attached for your review prior to that meeting.
The Policies and Procedures, which represent guidelines that expand on the Bylaws for the daily functioning of the Executive Committee and its subcommittees, are still being finalized and we hope that they will soon be ready for approval by the Executive Committee.
Together, the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures will enhance the proper functioning of the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, facilitating a more effective representation of all NGOs associated with DPI. Both documents, once approved, will be placed on our website:
The NGO/DPI Executive Committee remains committed to serving you better.
1. The NGO/DPI Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Executive Committee”) is elected by members ofnon-governmental organizations (NGOs) associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information (“DPI”), from among the membership. The mandate of the Executive Committee emanates from Article 71 of the Charter of the United Nations, United Nations General Assembly resolution 13(1), Annex 1 of 13 February 1946, and ECOSOC resolutions 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May 1968 and 1996/31 of 25 July 1996.
2. The Bylaws, along with the Policies and Procedures of the Executive Committee represent the process by which the Executive Committee carries out its obligations to NGOs throughout the world that are associated with DPI.
1. The Executive Committee shall reflect the diverse issues and international composition of NGOs associated with DPI.
2. The Executive Committee’s goals and purposes are to
(a) represent the concerns and interests of NGOs associated with DPI in their efforts to further the goals of the United Nations; and
(b) serve as an advisory board to, and to liaise with, DPI on activities of mutual interest.
1. The Executive Committee shall:
(a) provide leadership and strategic direction for the NGOs associated with DPI;
(b) seek input from NGOs associated with DPI throughout the world on their priority issues, needs and concerns;
(c) help NGOs become more knowledgeable about, and make effective use of, information provided through the United Nations on the purposes, policies, actions and programmes of the United Nations;
(d) hold regular meetings, including an Annual Meeting, to coordinate its work and formulate its future activities;
(e) in close cooperation with the DPI, develop and follow-up on initiatives of mutual concern that further the goals of the United Nations, including the United Nations DPI/NGO Conference;
(f) communicate with NGOs associated with DPI through its website, its NGO Reporter and other means;
(g) oversee the work of the Subcommittees; and
(h) manage the financial affairs of the Executive Committee.
2. The Executive Committee shall comprise :
(a) eighteen (18) voting members, who include five (5) officers – a Chair, a First and Second Vice-Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer – and thirteen (13) other elected members who shall be called Directors.
(b) Non-voting members:
(i) Regional NGO Coordinators, appointed for a period of 4 years by the Executive Committee from among regional organizations associated with DPI;
(ii) advisors who are former Chairs of the Executive Committee;
(iii) a representative of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA); and
(iv) a representative of the United Nations Association of the USA.
(c) Non-voting participants:
(i) a representative of DPI; and
(ii) a representative of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO).
3. The Officers shall comprise a Chair who shall provide overall direction for the work of the Executive Committee; two Vice-Chairswho shall act as deputies of the Chair; a Secretary who shall be responsible for the organization and recording of meetings of the Executive Committee; and a Treasurer who shall oversee the financial operations of the Executive Committee. The Officers of the Executive Committee shall ensure the effective implementation of its responsibilities and activities, including the conduct of and reporting on meetings and issues concerning its mandate and the management of its finances.
1. A candidate for the Executive Committee shall be an individual affiliated with NGOs associated with DPI in good standing and must be nominated by his/her organization or by a representative from another NGO associated with DPI in good standing. If nominated by another organization, the candidate must obtain the endorsement of his/her organization. Elected individuals act in their personal capacity.
2. Election of members of the Executive Committee shall be by ballot.
3. Results of the election shall be announced at the Annual Meeting.
1. Members elected to the Executive Committee shall serve a term of two (2) years beginning 1 July and may be eligible for re-election for an additional term of two (2) years.
2. After completion of two (2) terms (4 years) of service on the Executive Committee, a lapse of at least one (1) year is required before that person can be re-nominated for election to the Executive Committee, except as provided in Article IV.3.
3. A Director, if elected as an Officer,or an Officer if elected to a different Officer position, may serve additionally for two (2) full terms of two (2) years each for each different position to which he/she is elected, provided that in no circumstance shall any member serve more than a total of twelve (12) consecutive years, within which only four years can be served in any one position. For purposes of this paragraph, the First and Second Vice-Chair positions are deemed to be the same officer position.
4. The terms of office of the Chair and Secretary of the Executive Committee shall expire in odd-numbered years and the terms of office of the First and Second Vice-Chairs and the Treasurer shall expire in even-number years. The Chair shall be eligible to serve no more than two (2) full terms of two (2) years each term.
5. The incoming Chair shall assume all designated duties except those performed by the outgoing Chair as a member of the Conference Planning Committee. The outgoing Chair shall remain on the Conference Planning Committee until the end of the Conference and shall report fully to the incoming Chair on experience gained in the preparation of the Conference.
1. The Chair of the Executive Committee shall convene the following meetings:
(a) Regular meetings of the Executive Committee: approximately once a month from September through June.
(b) Officers’ meetings: approximately once a month from July to June in order to address matters that arise between the regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Committee;
(c) Special meetings of the Executive Committee:when appropriate,at any time;
(d) Annual Meeting: held in June of each year.
(e) Retreat, after the Annual Meeting and before the first regular meeting of the Executive Committee.
2. A quorum of ten (10) voting members of the Executive Committee present is required to conduct a regular meeting and an Annual Meeting.
3. Each of the voting membersof the Executive Committee has one vote, with the exception of the Chair, who may only vote to break a tie vote. Adoption of a motion will be by a majority vote of those present and voting. Proxy voting is not permitted.
The Executive Committee shall establish standing subcommittees to facilitate its work on specific subjects. It may also establish ad hoc subcommittees as it deems necessary.
1. The Executive Committee collaborates with DPI in the organization of the United Nations DPI/NGO Conference, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York or at other locations.
2. The Planning Committee of the Conference, convened jointly by the Executive Committee and DPI shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the Conference.
These Bylaws may be amended by the Annual Meeting by a vote of two thirds of DPI-associated NGOs present and voting, or who have cast ballots in accordance with other voting provisions and provided that notice has been sent to all DPI-associated NGOs, accompanied by a copy of the proposed amendments, not less than 30 days in advance of the Annual Meeting.
EU to push for private sector in development aid – NGO urge safeguards
- National Civil Society Conference, AGM Held
- Brazil: Research portrays cooperation of NGOs in public policy
Brazil: Research portrays cooperation of NGOs in public policy
National Civil Society Conference, AGM Held
Posted: 29 May 2014 10:38 AM PDT
National Civil Society Conference was held in Kathmandu on 11 May 2014. NGO Federation of Nepal organised the conference to deliberate on two important agendas- opportunities and challenges of aid governance in the context of development effectiveness and improvement of national legal framework to regulate NGO sector
Brazil: Research portrays cooperation of NGOs in public policy
Posted: 29 May 2014 09:45 AM PDT
Results indicate that managers attribute to civil organizations the functions and powers that the bureaucracy will not be able to replace in the short and medium term
EU Elections: what it means for Europe’s role in the world
Posted: 28 May 2014 02:49 PM PDT
The results of the European Parliament elections held between 22-25 May have been marked by a rise in Eurosceptic and extremist parties, despite centrist groups coming out on top overall. The vote comes as inequality and poverty have been on the rise within Europe since the onset of the financial crisis.
European FTT: towards a minimum tax?
Posted: 28 May 2014 02:23 PM PDT
The finance ministers of the EU should have laid the foundations of the future tax on financial transactions at their meeting in Brussels on May 6, 2014
Intenational Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP) Council
Posted: 16 May 2014 07:35 AM PDT
The Intenational Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP) Council will meet in London on may 20 and 21, for what will be its first meeting of the year 2014, with the objective of debate on its stratetegic guidelines and its plan of action for the futur, in preparation of the next General Assembly that will […]
Fiji NGO women leaders discuss about gender injustice, NCDs and political upheaval
Posted: 14 May 2014 03:18 PM PDT
NGO Women leaders attended a two day forum in Suva on 22-23 April, to discuss the role of women in relation to ‘Rethinking Development, Reshaping the Pacific We Want – Beyond 2015′. The discussions centred on how to progress the re-thinking agenda and influence the Post 2015 development goals after the expiry of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015
European Parliamentary Elections 2014
Posted: 14 May 2014 09:24 AM PDT
On 24 and 25 May 2014, European citizens will elect their representatives to the European Parliament for 2014-2019. It is a turning point for European development and humanitarian aid policy, in the context of crises and with several ongoing negotiation processes on global issues. Coordination SUD and its members have chosen to mobilize to raise their issues higher in the political agenda of..
Advocacy toolkit on the Post-2015 development agenda
Advocacy Toolkit: Influencing the post-2015 development agenda
This toolkit **** is for civil society and other stakeholder organisations, coalitions and individuals that wish to influence the post-2015 development agenda, including the design of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to equip you with relevant information and tools to enable you to develop and implement an effective post-2015 advocacy strategy. You can either follow its step-by-step approach or simply consult the tips, tools and case studies most relevant to your existing activities.
Toolkit (1) Post2015AdvocacyToolkit
The advocacy toolkit is divided into two parts: Part 1: The Post-2015 Development Agenda: What Is It and How Can You Engage? Provides a full background on the post-2015 processes and identifies key entry points for engagement and influence.
Part 2: Developing a Post-2015 Advocacy Strategy Guides you through the necessary steps for developing your own post-2015 advocacy strategy, building on the information and opportunities identified in Part 1.
Toolkit (2) Post2015ToolkitEngagingwiththemedia
A companion to the toolkit, ‘Engaging with the Media‘ provides a guide to the strategic use of the media and social media in the context of post-2015 advocacy.
The media guide provides advice and guidance on how to target your messages for broadcast, press and social media; identify and build relationships with journalists; conduct interviews and hold press conferences, in order to deliver your post-2015 advocacy messages to a wider audience.
Both guides provide ready-made tools, templates, case studies and top tips for each stage of your post-2015 advocacy work. They support activities at the national, regional and international levels and cater for all levels of experience in the post-2015 development agenda and in advocacy and media work. Whether you follow each tool and step in turn as a newcomer to the agenda, or only consult those new or relevant to you in order to support a more established programme, we hope they will prove useful to all.
An interactive, online version of the advocacy toolkit will be made available by June, along with translations of all content into French, Spanish and Portuguese.
New audiovisual content, updates and analysis will also be provided online, so keep checking for more details.
Download the Advocacy Toolkit here.
Download ‘Engaging with the Media’ here.
Further information: Contact: / The SD2015 Programme This report is an output of the Sustainable Development 2015 (SD2015) programme, a multi-stakeholder engagement programme run by Stakeholder Forum and CIVICUS, in collaboration with UNDESA.
See for more information and resources.
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